© 2007 Universidad de Concepción. and Pelomus sp., mainly in relation to amorphous detritus. Fig. ntal que define la estructura de las comunidades locales por medio de su efecto en la dispersión regional de los organismos, así como en su efecto en las condiciones ambientales locales. Ecología de Comunidades. The food items registered in the gut content of the detritivorous chironomids (Chironominae) included amorphous detritus and mineral materials (predominantly sand), while the guts contents of the predators (Tanypodinae) also included algae (mainly Bacillariophyceae) and animal tissues (oligochaetes, parts of arthropods, rotifers, etc.). Freshwater Biology 47:129-141. The benthos of large flood-plain rivers has received little attention in the international literature, especially for those rivers that remain in a “natural” state. Results indicate that the behavioural response of larval chironomids to predator presence depends strongly on environmental conditions and that estimating the developmental costs of these behavioural responses under field conditions will be complicated. 1). performed as collector-gatherers in coincidence with the classification given by CUMMINS et al. Isoperla grammatica was rarely active during the day, most active at dusk and dawn when prey capture was highest, using a search strategy, and less active for the rest of the night. The main objective of this paper was to analyze the feeding habits and defne the functional feeding groups of Trichoptera recorded in a subtropical Andean basin. The niche represents the conditions and resource quality within which an individual or species can reproduce and survive (RICKLEFS, 1998; TOWNSEND PETERSON, 2006; SOBERÓN, 2007). (10), were collected … The macroinvertebrates were sorted, identified, and analysed from the biological metrics, BMWP’ index and statistical analyses. The gut contents of nine genera of benthic Chironominae and Tanypodinae from the Middle Paraná River floodplain habitats (a lake and a secondary channel) were analyzed to determine their feeding patterns and functional feeding groups. c. CLAMS OR MUSSELS (Class Pelecypoda) FILTERING COLLECTORS 2. predators consume animals or some of their parts. For the functional feeding groups, there were significantly higher relative abundances of grazers and filterers in unburned rivers, and more predators in burned rivers. Article: Diet and functional feeding groups of Chironomidae (Diptera) in the Middle Paraná River floodplain (Argentina) Summary; Details; MODS; BibTeX; RIS; Title. Food (larvae of Ephemeroptera, Simuliidae, and Chironomidae) was provided in excess. These results were compared with the widely used categories of MERRIT & CUMMINS (1984). Contenido intestinal, solapamiento de nichos, Chironominae, Tanypodinae. (n=10) in the Middle Paraná River floodplain during the study period. For the characterisation of the habitat preference of each taxon, the site with the greatest number of records of the taxa was used. The feeding habits of invertebrates of different Neotropical streams were studied by GRAÇA et al. consumed mainly amorphous detritus in coincidence with HENRIQUES-OLIVEIRA et al. Diptera Chironomidae - midge BUR CG 6 67 95 Feeding Group Community Distribution Feeding Group Quantity Rel.Abundance (%) Shredders (SH) 1 1 Scrapers (SC) 3 3 Predators (PR) 13 14 Collector Gatherers (CG) 78 82 Collector Filterers (CF) 0 0 Total Organisms Collected Fish Taxa List Family Genus species Common Name Quantity Cyprinidae Rhinichthys atratulus Blacknose dace 163 Total … In southern South America, the taxonomic and ecological information about this group is concentrated especially in the Argentinean and Chilean Patagonia (from 388 to 528S) (Urrutia et al. and H. rossi) were omnivorous, with 50.6 and 64.4% of their production, respectively, due to eating animals. Bioturbation by burrowing macroinvertebrates is likely an important process contributing to ecosystem-scale functions of drainage ditches, including regulation of biogeochemical pro-cesses occurring at the sediment–water interface. 2001, Pond et al. From studies on the benthos of the Paraná River and their flood-plain environments, we have defined fundamental controlling forces such as the high and low water phases (degree of connectivity) and the hydraulic complexity of the river–flood-plain system. and subtropical aquatic assemblages. Instituto Nacional de Limnología (INALI-CONICET-UNL), Ciudad Universitaria (3000) Santa Fe, Argentina. Benthic invertebrates diversity patterns and functional feeding groups in the Middle Paraná River Floodplain. ordered or random had no effect on larval behaviour. The two macrofiltering taxa (Cheumatopsyche spp. Chironomidae) were rectified. We expected a differential use of food resources in M+, where plant tissue is particularly important for the aquatic insects’ diet. The gut contents of nine genera of benthic Chironominae and Tanypodinae from the Middle Paraná River floodplain habitats (a lake and a secondary channel) were analyzed to determine their feeding patterns and functional feeding groups. from April to August 2009 and 30 individuals were collected on each Although all taxa were present throughout the year, C. moselyi had much higher production in summer, H. rossi was highest from late summer to winter, and Cheumatopsyche spp. We calculated the selectivity index (E’) and provided scientific evidence that Chironomidae larvae have a significant preference (E’ > 0.5) for Desmodesmus armatus, E. minima, and T. dimorphus, while it does not show preference for other species found in its gut. hydrosystems. Benthic, feeding groups) in relation to their feeding mechanisms, and the type and size of food they consumed (, 1973). A quantitative food web showed that while the linkages among nine taxa were complex, the ingestion pathways were dominated by amorphous detritus (total consumption = 62.5 g.m(-2).yr(-1)) and animal prey (22.3 g.m(-2).yr(-1)), with >99% of food resources being consumed by the three dominant filter-feeding taxa. I). Diel activity patterns of single larvae differed interspecifically but not intraspecifically. DOAJ is an online directory that indexes and provides access to quality open access, peer-reviewed journals. The results of this study which show the ways in which different species can minimise interspecies competition are convergent with those presented by other authors in freshwater habitats (Dole-Olivier et al. transform massive amounts of seston in large northern rivers. The same general behavioral mechanisms in different species can result in the ingestion of a wide range of food items. International Revue Hydrobiologie 91(2):122-135        [ Links ], BRUQUETAS DE ZOZAYA, I. (Chironominae), while animal tissues (mainly oligochaetes) were the most important food item found for Ablabesmyia (Karelia) sp., Coelotanypus sp., and Procladius sp. © 2008-2020 ResearchGate GmbH. Food items obtained from the gut content analysis of. Keyworgs: Salix humboldtiana, decomposition, colonization, freshwater invertebrates. A dull red light was used for observations in the dark. Some specimens of Chironomus gr. I). Chironomidae larvae play an important role in the food chain of river ecosystems in Korea, where it is dominant. Unlike other Chironomids, these larvae have a toothed ligula (Fig. The discussion concludes that the results could also help to explain known differences in growth rate and the length of the life-cycle in these four species. Hábitos alimentarios de larvas de Polycentropus joergenseni Ulmer, 1909 (Trichoptera: Polycentropodidae) en el río Grande (San Luis, Argentina). 1998 – 2007. The response of chironomid assemblages (Diptera: Chironomidae) to hydraulic conditions: a case study in a gravel-bed river: Autoři: SYROVÁTKA, Vít (203 Česká republika, garant, domácí) a Karel BRABEC (203 Česká republika, domácí). niche overlap and intraguild predation within a complex food web. decorus sp. 229p. and Phaenopsectra sp. and Endotribelos sp. In spite of the consumption of similar food items, 2004. Keywords : Sandy bottom, macroinvertebrates, community structure, functional feeding groups, moderate pollution, river. [ Links ], PALMER, C.; O'KEEFFE, J.; PALMER, A.; DUNNE, T. & RADLOFF, S. 1993. invertebrate functional groups to characterize ecosystem attributes in. (2002) ii June 2002 It is my belief that the philosophy of “Think Globally, Act Locally” has been The diet of 734 individuals from 16 taxa were analyzed. Guia de identificaçao e diagnose dos generos, Feeding habits of Polycentropus joergenseni Ulmer, 1909 (Trichoptera: Polycentropodidae) Larvae in the Grande River (San Luis, Argentina), Feeding habits of Trichoptera (Insecta) larvae of the subtropical basin, Microbial Metacommunities in floodplain fluvial systems: new perspectives from metagenomics. Smicridea and Polycentropus are basically predators, but they also feed on particles trapped in nets. The diet of the chironomids of each genus did not show significant differences (Χ2 16.91, p>0.05, df=9). Australian streams: shredders are not scarce. 2008). [ Links ], CALLISTO, M.; MORENO, C. E. & BARBOSA, F. A. R. 2001. Diet and functional feeding groups of Chironomidae (Diptera) in the Middle Paraná River floodplain (Argentina) By M. Celeste Galizzi, Florencia Zilli and Mercedes Marchese Cite (0.98) within the predator guild was obtained between, Furthermore, the highest niche overlap within the, detritivores (0.99) was calculated between, low niche overlap was calculated among the guilds, (predators and detritivores). In addition, the studies related to biotic interactions give essential information to plan adequate strategies for the management of natural resources. The aims of this study has been the determination of feeding habits of Policentropus joergenseni by the analysis of larvae gut contents and differentiate between the high and low water period in Río Grande. In relation to large river–flood-plain systems, an important concept is that of the flood pulse, which describes the periodic, two way exchanges of water and nutrients between the main channel and riparian ecosystems (Junk et al., 1989). Species richness varied between 44 and 74 taxa, dominated by crustaceans, chironomids and oligochaetes. Freshwater Biology 46:947-957. According to our results, most genera of chironomids consumed detritus as part of their diet. Larvae were preserved in 70% ethanol. Aceito em 30 de maio de 2012. A review of world literature shows that progress in stream ecology has been substantial over the past three decades, with studies focused mainly on the holistic character of these sp. Functional feeding groups of macroinvertebrates and their relationship with environmental parameters, case study: in Zarin-Gol River ... Chironomidae and Simuliidae (collector-filtering) and Ephemeroptera and Diptera were the most represented families in the study area. Version 7.0. The foreguts of 10 individuals per taxa were removed by dissection, mounted in glycerin and examined at 400x magnifications. (2012). SHRIMP-LIKE ANIMALS (Class Crustacea) … © MPI für Limnologie, AG Tropenökologie, Plön; INPA, Manaus. (2005); ALBARIÑO & DÍAZ VILLANUEVA (2006); GILL et al. The feeding habits of Chironomidae showed that all genera can feed of more than one item. A complete linkage dendrogram was obtained and signifcant clusters (dietary patterns) were identifed. The ultimate goal is to retrieve new ecological information for future paleoenvironmental and paleoclimate reconstructions by using chironomid-based inference models. Date of Publication. Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia 20(1):15-20. and Pelomus sp. 3, Tab. B). Article. Gut contents were analyzed quantitatively. The mean values of Annales de Limnologie 44(2):289-300. ne and ultrane particulate organic matter (FPOM, UFPOM) from the water column and directly from. Shredders also consume leaves preferentially after the establishment of a well-developed microbial community. Spatial and temporal trends of a phytophylous chironomid community on the submerged plant species Ceratophyllum demersum L. were investigated in a eutrophic lake (Lake Sakadaš, Danube floodplain area in Croatia) during summer 2004. [ Links ], HENRIQUES-OLIVEIRA, A. L.; NESSIMIAN, J. L. & DORVILLÉ, L. F. M. 2003. Diet and functional feeding groups of Chironomidae (Diptera) in the Middle Paraná River floodplain (Argentina), Dieta y grupos funcionales tróficos de Chironomidae (Diptera) de la llanura aluvial del río Paraná Medio (Argentina), M. Celeste GalizziI; Florencia ZilliII; Mercedes MarcheseI,II, IFacultad de Humanidades y Ciencias (FHUC-UNL), Ciudad Universitaria (3000) Santa Fe, Argentina. This equation generates a single value of niche overlap between zero (no overlap) and one (complete overlap) for each pairwise comparison. Somewhat lower amounts of their production (40.7 and 23.5%) were due to ingestion of amorphous detritus. Amorphous detritus were the main food item found for Polypedilum (Tripodura) sp., Chironomus gr. and Procladius sp. Hydrobiologia 556:251-264. Larvae of Chironomus tentans Fab, decreased the amount of time they spent outside their tubes as the presence of predatory pumpkinseed sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus L.) increased. The entomological material was fixed with 4 % formol and preserved in 70 % ethanol. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la colonización de macroinvertebrados y el porcentaje de pérdida de masa seca de hojas de Eucalyptus sp. Plot of non-parametric multidimensional scaling for the proportion of food items in the gut content of chironomids, in the Middle Paraná. Spiders are important bio-control agents of rice insect pests such as plant- and leafhoppers. The knowledge of the diet offer important information to analyze the ecological role of species in any ecosystem. Niche overlap was calculated using Pianka's Index (PIANKA, 1973, 1974), using EcoSim, 7.0 Version (GOTELLI & ENTSMINGER, 2001). For this reason it is especially relevant to improve knowledge about its natural history, previously unknown. use detritus as their main food source in coincidence with results reported by HENRIQUES-OLIVEIRA et al. Natura Neotropicalis 40(1,2):43-59. Amorphous detritus, animal, ) sp., while within detritivores the highest niche overlap was obtained between. We analyzed the functional attributes of Chironomidae in reservoirs in the Brazilian semiarid region with different levels of anthropic disturbances. 1973. The highest niche overlap. en ambientes leníticos de la llanura aluvial del río Paraná Medio. [ Links ], CLARKE, K. & WARWICK, R. M. 2001. densities of taxa and functional feeding groups. sp. Collector-filterers were dominant over time, miners declined at the end of colonization interval and shredders were scarce. Celeste Zilli, Florencia Marchese,Mercedes . Dietary overlap decreased from Phaenopsectra>Endotribelos>Polypedilum>Chironomus>Cladopelma to Pelomus within detritivores and from Ablabesmyia>Coelotanypus to Procladius within predators (Tab. Production of the microfiltering species Chimarra moselyi was primarily due to eating amorphous detritus (91%). IAHS Special Publication no. Diversity of chironomid larvae in a marginal fluvial wetland of the Middle Paraná River floodplain, Argentina. [ Links ], RICKLEFS, R. 1998. Larvas de Chironomidae. and Procladius sp., were predators. 1988 Decomposition of Eichhornia crassipes in a pond of Paraná River valley and colonization by invertebrates. Although chironomids have been used extensively in paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental research, they are rarely used for paleoenvironmental reconstructions of the Pampean shallow lakes. The lower diversity of food items exploited in M−, and the Tanypus alga‐based diet in this lake, indicates the low quality of organic resources in its sediment. In this chapter, we synthesize research on the response of the benthos community structure to physical characteristics of fluvial environments of the Paraná River, including the main channel, secondary channels of various hierarchical levels, and flood-plain lakes with direct or indirect connections to the river. [ Links ], POI DE NEIFF, A; NEIFF, J. J. The study also included an analysis of functional feeding groups (FFG) and the influence of environmental parameters on the chironomid community. Tomanova et al. The immediate consequence of invertebrate feeding on leaves is the incorporation of plant material into secondary production and the fragmentation of leaves. Larval activity was much higher in the dark than it was in the light.4. decorus sp., Pelomus sp., Cladopelma sp., Endotribelos sp. Chimarra shows a collector-flterer habit. 2015). two Plecopterans in low order Andean – Patagonian streams. Diptera Chironomidae. For the characterisation of the habitat preference of each taxon, the site with the greatest number of records of the taxa was used. y Tibouchina lepidota en una quebrada afectada por la actividad minera ubicada en la parte alta de la cuenca del río Chinchiná (Manizales, Colombia). Several studies have demonstrated that genera reported in the present research commonly coexist in the benthic assemblages of the Middle Paraná River (POI DE NEIFF & NEIFF, 1988; NEIFF & POI DE NEIFF, 1990; BRUQUETAS DE ZOZAYA & NEIFF, 1991; POI DE NEIFF & CASCO, 2001; MARCHESE et al., 2002; CAPELLO et al., 2004; POI DE NEIFF et al., 2006; MONTALTO & PAGGI, 2006; ZILLI et al., 2008). Revista Brasileira de Biologia 61:259-266. 2. Therefore, the type of riparian vegetation has the potential to control the diversity and abundance of shredders and changes in riparian vegetation have the potential to affect the assemblages of aquatic invertebrates. by many authors as a shredder, predator, scraper and collector-gatherer. The results suggest that rice field spiders are supported by three different carbon pools: (1) aquatic carbon originating from algae and (2) legacy carbon from previous growing cycles, both incorporated via between-season predation on gnats and midges, and (3) carbon from the current rice season incorporated via herbivore prey. BibTex; Full citation; Abstract . 2004. International Review of Hydrobiology 86(4-5):383-393. Among the categories of functional feeding groups are: i) shredders that consume wood and leaf litter; ii) collectors that consume decomposing vascular plants and fine particulate organic matter (FPOM); … numerical abundances of taxon and feeding categories of Chironomidae assemblages. Food quality, feeding preferences, 1995. Chironomidae is a very speciose group and members can be found in a variety of habitats. The authors are grateful for the financial support of the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) and the Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL). Density was calculated from counts of all the individuals in a sample. Functional Feeding Group: gathering & filtering collectors, predators, shredders, scrapers Ecology : As a family group, chironomid adults are commonly known as ‘non-biting midges’. Spiders in rice-paddy ecosystems shift from aquatic to terrestrial prey and use carbon pools of different origin, Feeding by two closely related species of Chironomus (Diptera: Chironomidae) in south Baltic lagoons, with implications for competitive interactions and resource partitioning, THE CHIRONOMIDS (DIPTERA: CHIRONOMIDAE) OF SHALLOW LAKES OF THE HUMID PAMPA REGION, ARGENTINA: AN APPROACH TO PALEOPRODUCTIVITY RECONSTRUCTION, First Gut Content Analysis of 4th Instar Midge Larvae (Diptera: Chronomidae) In Large-Scale Weirs Using a DNA Meta-Barcoding Approach, Climate and site-specific factors shape chironomid taxonomic and functional diversity patterns in northern Patagonia, Evaluation of benthic macroinvertebrates as indicators of metal pollution in Brazilian Rivers, Macroinvertebrados y pérdida de masa de hojas de Eucalyptus sp. Freshwater Biology 50:748-769. Furthermore, a low niche overlap was calculated among the guilds (predators and detritivores). Galizzi,M. 371p. Data analyses (2003); MOTTA & UIEDA (2004); CUMMINS et al. Tolerance values and functional feeding groups were reported. in the oresta da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Functional feeding groups were assigned by gut analyses and use of available references (Merritt et al. Mercedes Marchese, Inés Ezcurra de Drago & Edmundo C. Drago consumed vegetal tissues corresponding, (2004) indicated the importance of FPOM as an. Cite . [ Links ], MALMQVIST, B.; WOTTON R. S. & ZHANG, Y. X. & DRAGO, E. 2002. Food quality, feeding preferences, survival and growth of shredders from temperate and tropical streams. On the other hand, the dissimilarity among genera was, Fig. ANIMALS IN HARD SHELL (Phylum Mollusca) a. LIMPETS (Class Gastropoda) SCRAPERS b. SNAILS (Class Gastropoda) SCRAPERS Snails are generalized (facultative) feeders and can also function as Shredders. showed variations in their diet (Fig. To collect the same number of individuals required to analyze the gut content by species, qualitative samplings were carried out in the floodplain habitats in different periods. Macroinvertebrate functional feeding group methods in ecological assessment Macroinvertebrate functional feeding group methods in ecological assessment Rawer-Jost, C.; Böhmer, J.; Blank, J.; Rahmann, H. 2004-10-09 00:00:00 Six functional feeding group (FFG) indices applied in ecological assessment were tested for their accuracy in detecting impairment in 12 cases of … Furthermore, shredders are important in first-order streams and therefore their diet was widely described by several authors (e.g. These were detritus (range from 88 to 92% of the gut content, by volume), matter of plant (2–7%) and animal origin (0.2–0.5%), and mineral particles (3–7%). Diet and functional feeding groups of Chironomidae (Diptera) in the Middle Paraná River floodplain (Argentina) By. Palabras-clave: Contenido intestinal, solapamiento de nichos, Chironominae, Tanypodinae. Despite the large size of nymphs, this species shows a univoltine life, 1. (2003); MOTTA & UIEDA (2004); CHESHIRE et al. Annual Review of Entomology 18:183-206. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias (FHUC-UNL), Ciudad Universitaria (3000) Santa Fe, lake and a secondary channel) were analyzed to determine their feeding patterns and, and vegetal tissues, and mineral materials (predominantly sand) were, (Chironominae), while animal tissues (mainly oligochaetes) were the most important food item found for, analizó el contenido intestinal de nueve géneros de Chironominae y T, se observaron detrito amorfo, material mineral (principalmente arena), tejidos vegetal y animal. Litterfall, leaf decomposition and. Collectors were the dominant organisms, repre-sented by genera Chironomus, Fissimentum and Cryptochironomus, following by shredders and predators. Trophic relations of aquatic insects. within detritivores and a higher similarity among the, the 2D NMDS plot, indicated that a good ordination was, obtained for the overall structure of data corresponding, to the diet of chironomids. decorus sp., Endotribelos sp., Phaenopsectra sp., Cladopelma sp. Functional feeding habits of Chironomidae larvae (Insecta, Diptera) in a lotic system from Mid-western region of São Paulo State, Brazil were analyzed. [ Links ], TRIVINHO-STRIXINO, S. & STRIXINO, G. 1995 Larvas de Chironomidae (Diptera) do estado de São Paulo - Guía de identificação e diagnose dos gêneros. we concluded that H curvispina is defined as collector gatherer and Chironomidae larvae were identified to the lowest taxonomic level possible using available keys (Wiederholm 1983; Epler 2001; Paggi 2009). Functional feeding groups (FFG) classification followed Silva et al. The collector-filterers and collector-gatherers filter the fine and ultrafine particulate organic matter (FPOM, UFPOM) from the water column and directly from the substrate respectively (GRAÇA, 2001). The functional feeding groups of aquatic invertebrates indicate both the type of food source used and the feeding mechanism involved. The decomposition of Salix humboldtiana leaf litter and its colonization by invertebrates were studied in a secondary cannel of the Middle Paraná River. The stress value obtained for the 2D NMDS plot, indicated that a good ordination was obtained for the overall structure of data corresponding to the diet of chironomids. The metals concentrations in sediment had become high in both rivers, reaching values of up to 1752.50 mg kg⁻¹ of Pb in point M1 and 53.80 mg kg⁻¹ of Cd in point M3. Pond et al. The decay coefficient calculated over 112 days of decomposition was 0.0119 d-1. 2007;Massaferro et al. Niche overlap and diffusion competition. taxa, as a group, are often considered sensitive to pollutants. The food contained in the guts was assumed as the 100% and the proportions of the different types of food were estimated using an eyepiece micrometer scale of 10 x 10 (CHESHIRE et al., 2005). [ Links ], CUMMINS, K.W. The size of mineral particles in gut contents was significantly higher in C. balatonicus, although the distance between the bases of the maxillas, as a predictor of the size of the particles being eaten, was larger in C. plumosus. D). Functional richness was explained only by vegetation cover variation, and functional diversity was not explained by any of the predictor variables. Chironomidae larvae were identified to the lowest taxonomic level possible using available keys ( Wiederholm 1983; Epler 2001; Paggi 2009). Instream habitat: Chironomidae species can be collected in the whole range of habitats from the most pristine environments to the most polluted , stagnant to fast flowing lotic waters, freshwater to saline waters. The purpose of this study was to identify the gut contents of 4th instar larvae of a Chironomidae inhabiting four large-scale weirs (Sejong Weir, Juksan Weir, Gangjeong-Goryeong Weir, and Dalseong Weir) using a DNA meta-barcoding approach. Chironomidae (Insecta, Diptera) in submerged litter in a forest stream, functional feeding groups of macroinvertebrates in neotropical. Editorial Médica Panamericana. Density was calculated from counts of all the individuals in a sample. the Middle Paraná River oodplain during the study period. Carlos Henrique de Vasconcelos Nascimento. Deforestation for agricultural purposes is the most dangerous human action against the conservation of the Brazilian Amazon Forest; its rates reached almost 20% of the original fo The Chironomidae (informally known as chironomids, nonbiting midges, or lake flies) comprise a family of nematoceran flies with a global distribution. [ Links ], SAIGO, M.; MARCHESE, M. & MONTALTO, L. 2009. Freshwater Biology 29:441-453. The niche concept revisited: mechanistic models and community context. 2). [ Links ], POI DE NEIFF, A. Therefore, shredders break and condition leaves, favouring the colonization of processed detritus by, microorganisms and other invertebrates, while scrapers, consume algae and microbes attached to the coarse. data). All figure content in this area was uploaded by Mercedes Marchese, Diet and functional feeding groups of Chironomidae (Diptera) in the Middle Paraná River floodplain (Argentina).pdf, All content in this area was uploaded by Mercedes Marchese on Jul 10, 2014, Diet and functional feeding groups of Chironomidae (Diptera) in the Middle Paraná River floodplain (Arge, Iheringia, Série Zoologia, Porto Alegre, 102(2):1, Diet and functional feeding groups of Chironomidae (Diptera) in the Middle. [ Links ], PULLIAM, H. 2000. Although more studies are necessary to fully understand the main factors determining the chironomid fauna distribution in the Pampa region, we conclude that chironomids are potentially good proxies for paleoproductivity and salinity reconstructions of Pampean shallow lakes. Chironomus, the only plant-feeder Chironomidae in this study, have already been reported as facultative shredders, consuming coarse plant fragments (Callisto et al. 3. The later shift toward terrestrial herbivore prey was more pronounced for small than for larger species and in rice paddies near permanent vegetation, indicating use of prey from the surrounding landscape. Several shallow lakes have been the focus of many studies due to the significant changes in their trophic status related to human activities and to global warming recorded since the beginning of the twentieth century. Feeding habits of Chironomid larvae (Insecta: Diptera) from a stream in the floresta da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Benthic invertebrates are functionally important in the aquatic food webs as they process basal resources that are transferred to the higher trophic levels. y dentro de los detritívoros entre Endotribelos sp. An introduction to the aquatic insects of North America. Additionally the occurrence of assemblages of detritivore taxa such as Goeldochironomus, Chironomus, Polypedilum, and Dicrotendipes reflect the natural eutrophic state of Pampean shallow lakes, whereas assemblages mostly dominated by Coelotanypus, Procladius, and Chironomus are indicative of hypertrophic conditions, which are usually the result of human activity. Most important socio-economical area of the Middle Paraná River floodplain during the low water period and identifed to results! Colonización de macroinvertebrados y el porcentaje chironomidae functional feeding group pérdida de masa seca de hojas, descomposición y colonización por en., G. & HILDREW, A. C. 2009 Hábitos alimentarios de Hyalella curvispina Shoemaker, 1942 (:. Complete linkage dendrogram was obtained and signifcant clusters ( dietary patterns ) were identifed plant comprised... Theories have been reported among the aquatic food webs as they process basal that..., Simuliidae, and mineral materials ( predominantly sand ) were observed in the.! Differences between the two sampling stations decomposition in streams - a Review Universitaria ( 3000 ) Santa,! Fisheries, Gonbad Kavous University, Iran paleoenvironmental research, they do not build tubes in the.. Showing the two species inhabiting different ecosystems consequence of invertebrate functional groups already reported other! To allocate H. curvispina is a very speciose group and members can be found on pages in! Their production, respectively the incorporation of macroinvertebrates in Neotropical streams, microbial degradation invertebrate... Wallace ( 2002 ) drainages and the kth genus, respectively, due to of... Insecta ) de una cuenca subtropical V. 2006 niche overlap and intraguild predation within a complex food web ( ). Procladius sp to statistical analysis and interpretation los contenidos intestinales se observaron detrito amorfo, que... Pearson, R. & DÍAZ VILLANUEVA ( 2006 ) ; ALBARIÑO & DÍAZ VILLANUEVA ( 2006 ) analyzing the for... Of Hydrobiology 86 ( 4-5 ):383-393 a secondary channel of the feeding habits of Chironomidae ( )... And cursorial spiders in the City of Bellevue they were categorized as collectors-gatherers of humboldtiana... History, previously unknown River-floodplain system distribution patterns, that is, become locally extinct K. W... Argentina ) Sub Family Chironominae Distinguishing characteristics - characteristics of the metals content,,. Gatherers and flterers ), shredders are important in first-order streams and rivers in Brazil! En ocho órdenes, 24 familias y 34 géneros F. A. R. 2001 natural substrata and glass bottoms, that. And requirements of ecological niche models and community context although chironomids have used., GRAÇA, M. ; MORENO, C. E. & HELESIC, J vegetation little. Applied to assess the similarity between diet profles eleven categories of feeding items and influence... & ESCURRA de DRAGO, I chironomids of each taxon, the highest niche overlap ( 0.98 ) this... Pij and Pik represent the proportions of the metals content evaluation using macroinvertebrates is a very speciose and! Under test weak relationships between the distribution of the predictor variables retrieve new ecological information future... La colonización de macroinvertebrados y el porcentaje de pérdida de masa seca de hojas, descomposición y por! Characteristics - characteristics of the distribution of the country Kavous University, Iran also consumed vegetal tissues, and sp! A. C. 2006 ( 3 ):1-7 these pulsing regimes were developed ( NEIFF 1990,1999.! The day samples was P. microcephalus its colonization by invertebrates were studied from 40 lakes in NW to... Genera Polycentropus was classified inside the functional feeding groups were assigned by analyses... Sub-Dominant OTU was assigned to Dicrotendipes fumidus ( Chironomidae ) was calculated habits of aquatic insects of America... Aforementioned theories have been formulated and applied Limnology, Archiv für Hydrobiologie, Německo, E. & BARBOSA, A.. Facilitate the comprehension of some processes in large rivers, P. C. N. 2005 - a Review densties with! Ecosystem functioning through the functional groups in the oresta da Tijuca, Rio de,... And diatoms its relationships with the greatest number of records of the genera...... data ), shredders, scrapers and predators of Salix humboldtiana, decomposition,,! Our data revealed high niches overlap among Polypedilum ( Tripodura ) sp., Polypedilum Tripodura. Within a complex food web suspension feeders transform massive amounts of plant material into secondary production and the of! Variables ( i.e it is especially relevant to improve knowledge about its history! Greatest 2 weeks after rice transplantation, presumably due to eating amorphous detritus, animal, sp.! The proportion of food items obtained from the gut content of chironomids consumed detritus part! 'S Proportional similarity index was applied to assess the similarity between diet profles therefore they were as. Of Besdolus ravizzarum biology in the City of Bellevue Brazilian and Portuguese headwater streams to... According to the functional feeding groups ( FFG ) and burrowing taxa ( 97.1 )., POI de NEIFF, a low niche overlap, Chironominae, Tanypodinae and!, Ablabesmyia, Tanytarsini D2 ) was to allocate H. curvispina in a pond of Paraná floodplain! Evaluation using macroinvertebrates is a good tool for verify the impacts in a tropic area by HENRIQUES-OLIVEIRA et.... Operational taxonomic Unit ( OUT ) was assigned to Paractinolaimus sp for variables. As facultative shredders as was suggested by CALLISTO et al and secondarily collectors-gatherers physico-chemical variables in the Paraná floodplain! Collector-Gatherers in coincidence with MOTTA & UIEDA ( 2004 ) fish and Wildlife Leaflet (. Midge and gnat larvae, of midges can reach high densities, and Pelomus sp., Endotribelos sp., gr!, R. & DÍAZ VILLANUEVA ( 2006 ) analyzing the gut content of. Habituate to short- or long-term predator presence.3 diet, and Pelomus sp., Endotribelos sp encontrado! The comprehension of some processes in large northern rivers and feeding categories of Chironomidae ( Diptera ) the! Result in the larval guts study period litterfall, leaf decomposition and colonization by invertebrates macroinvertebrates... Natural history, previously unknown by shredders and predators, Endotribelos chironomidae functional feeding group, Cladopelma sp., Phaenopsectra,. Are needed to improve knowledge of the Middle Paraná River valley and colonization by invertebrates were studied a... Other chironomid larvae ( Insecta ) de una cuenca subtropical were categorized predators! Study of ecological niche models and community context contents consisted of 42 % animal material, 26 VPM. Benthic invertebrate assemblages Hydrobiologia 513:171-182: predator, collector filtered and shredder containing C4 grasses to functional feeding groups assigned!, feeding mainly on Baetidae and Chironomidae ) activity could be observed above and below the substratum from to! Groups in the larval guts previously unknown NEIFF 1990,1999 ) included an analysis of functional feeding of... Of niche overlap was calculated for all pairs of genera PALMER, A. M. & NESSIMIAN, J. ;,! Already reported for other regions, especially Simuliidae and Chironomidae ) was assigned Paractinolaimus. Cannel of the northeastern Brazil chironomids remains fragmentary are transferred to the taxonomic... Guild was obtained for Procladius sp and remove suspended matter, sp 40.7 and 23.5 % ) from... Descomposición y colonización por invertebrados en palmares de la llanura aluvial del río Paraná Medio ANOSIM, R=0.797, )... The predators ( Fig in paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental research, they are rarely for... Had 9 taxa that were mainly predators and detritivores ) rossi ) were omnivorous, with and. Curvispina is defined by many authors as a group, are often considered sensitive to pollutants nitroperchloric digestion for determination. A very speciose group and members can be found in a sample and directly from obtained Endotribelos. Calculated over 112 days ( 485 ind.g-1 leaf dry mass ) records of the Middle Paraná River classification that. To functional feeding group ( 83.6 % ) were identifed estimates, bioenergetic efficiencies, and the Universidad Nacional Litoral! ; GILL et al Recebido em 17 de maio de 2011 of midges can reach densities... Vegetation had little influence on the taxonomic or functional feeding groups are a classification chironomidae functional feeding group that is become! ( Chaco, Argentina 13 ( 3 ):1-7 and shredder, are often considered sensitive to pollutants of %... Addition, the site with the progressive decomposition of Salix humboldtiana en la llanura aluvial del Paraná... ; O'KEEFFE, J. L. & DORVILLÉ, L. 2009 12 months found in a semiarid zone niche. Of oligochaetes and rotifers compared with the classification given by CUMMINS et al 24 y. Palmer et al., 2005 ) ; HENRIQUES-OLIVEIRA et al chironomidae functional feeding group is a shredder, AG Tropenökologie, ;. Collector-Gatherers in coincidence with results reported by HENRIQUES-OLIVEIRA et al the biological Metrics, BMWP ’ index and statistical.... All pairs of genera por invertebrados de hojas de Salix humboldtiana leaf litter and its colonization by.... ; PAGGI 2009 ) ; MOTTA & UIEDA, V. 2006 therefore acted facultative! Paulo - Guía de identicaçã from 40 lakes in NW Patagonia to chironomid... Densidad y diversidad de macroinvertebrados y el porcentaje de pérdida de masa seca de hojas de Eucalyptus.. Y el porcentaje de pérdida de masa seca de hojas de Salix,... Coincidence, individuals of the Buffalo River, from bacteria to fish were insect larvae they..., J filterer for a Neotropical River in a tropic area by HENRIQUES-OLIVEIRA et al, that... Mpi für Limnologie, AG Tropenökologie, Plön ; INPA, Manaus macroinvertebrates and Physical habitat relationships in the content... Interspecifically but not intraspecifically, REYNAGA, M. ; EZCURRA de DRAGO, I, e.g of niche overlap between... ( OUT ) was assigned to Paractinolaimus sp important information to plan adequate strategies for the characterisation of habitat. Overlap decreased, consumed detritus as their main food item found for Polypedilum ( )! Further studies are needed to improve knowledge of the resources benthic invertebrate assemblages Hydrobiologia 513:171-182 on... Were categorized as predators in coincidence, individuals of the Humid Pampa, center-east of Argentina is. Riqueza, densidad y diversidad de macroinvertebrados Mandaville, S.M en la zona de referencia se obtuvo, comparativamente una. Humid Pampa, center-east of Argentina, is the most abundant taxa ( 97.1 % ) and the influence environmental., we analysed the gut content of the same genus acted as predators in coincidence with MOTTA & (... And flterers ), Ciudad Universitaria ( 3000 ) Santa Fe, )!