However, it might be easier to burn those calories than you think — there are many lower body exercises you can do from the comfort of your home without weights or equipment. Split squats are just that. This upper body exercise without weights help you targeting your deltoids, glutes, latissimus dorsi and core. One of the most important exercises used daily to keep your independence and confidence. After Exercise - Doing some stretches after the exercises will minimize muscle soreness. As soon as they reach the ground, extend your legs straight back so you end up in a high plank position. This isn’t to say that you need to do standard barbell back squats and barbell lunges every week. Try this 20-minute lower-body workout at home. When you reach the ground again, squat down and repeat. 2. Push through the back heel to return to the original position. Lower Body Exercises You Can Do At Home Without Weights. All rights reserved. This is designed to keep you moving, making the most of your workout time without having any equipment to put away at the end. The Bodyweight Leg Exercise Circuit is an intense workout for building muscle without dumbbells, kettlebells or barbells. This helps work the triceps muscles. Get your feet as close to your hands as you can get, landing them outside your hands if necessary. Excellent hip exercises to maintain your leg and hip strength. Adding unilateral lower body movements, tempo training, positional pauses, and training to fatigue are just a few ways to increase lower body muscle mass without weights. I’ll show you a home chest workout that work your upper, mid and lower pecs that you can do without any equipment. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Start to squat down, moving your hands out in front of you. For many people, getting a workout on with your own body weight is enough. © 2005-2020 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. Side lunges are … We include products we think are useful for our readers. Try these arm exercises without weights before or after a cycling session to complement your lower body … the workout Lower body. Now you can repeat this set on the other side. You can use upper body cardio exercises … Your quads, hamstrings and glutes are home to some of the biggest muscles in your body , and those muscles will torch calories both during and after your workout , thanks to excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), the process by which your body replenishes its oxygen stores. Mix and match these 13 bodyweight exercises to see results in just a month or two. Glutes, quads, hamstrings are doing a lot of the work. Weights aren’t required for a body-burning workout. Complete 30 reps then continue to your next move. With a warm up and cool down this is approximately a 30-minute lower body dumbbell workout. Return to start. In order to attempt these, stand with your legs shoulder-width apart and step back with your right foot. Side lunges are another great toning workout for your legs. Squats. Take a large step out to your left, while bending your left knee and keeping your other leg upright. WARM UP: Start by warming your body up with 20 knee lifts, 20 jumping jacks (low impact if needed), 20 hamstring curls, and 5 inchworms . With busy lives, it can be hard to find the time for a good workout session. Your arms should be extended straight out at your sides so they’re parallel to the ground. If you’re looking for lower body exercises that adds more size and symmetry to your lower body muscles, then you need to read this article. How it works: Up to four days per week, perform these lower-body bodyweight exercises individually or as a circuit (do each exercise back to back with little to no rest in between up to 3 times in a row) after a cardio session or within your existing lower-body workout. Coaching Tip: “Numbers up!” This means think about the uniform numbers on your chest- if I can’t read them, you’re leaning forward too much. After all, the weight … Extend it and immediately drive your left knee up toward your chest. Bring your leg back to start. Working towards the most advanced variations of these exercises will enable you to keep building muscle without weights for years to come. Muscles Workout Routine Step onto the bench with your right foot, pushing through your heel and driving your left knee up. Engaging your core and keeping your spine and neck neutral, drive your right knee up toward your chest. As soon as you reach the ground, jump back to the left. In combination, these exercises provide a full-body workout, and each of them can be progressed easily. A lunge is a unilateral lower body exercise, meaning it works one leg at a time. While many upper-body exercises involve equipment like dumbbells and barbells, arm exercises without weights are a solid way to put your muscles to the test, too. Show comments Comments Share your opinion. Here are 8 exercises, with pictures, to get killer biceps, triceps…, You could be feeling tired in the morning for any number of reasons, from not getting enough sleep to dehydration. Here are 13 ways to get your energy…. For starting position, hold your body above the bar with locked arms, and lean forward. Good posture isn’t just about standing tall; it’s also how your body supports itself. Your neck and spine should be neutral. Lateral (side-to-side) movements are an important component of a well-rounded exercise regimen. Return to start. Body weight exercises use no equipment, the resistance comes purely from gravity and your own body.. If you want an extra challenge, try the optional towel modifications listed below each description to engage your upper body as well. For upper body, we tend to think of Dips, Pull-ups, Push-ups, Handstands, Planks, Levers. Activate the lower chest with body-weight exercises such as push-ups and dips. Basic Squats One of the simplest yet most effective exercises you can do!