In true superset fashion, finish the first exercise of the superset and immediately (with a breather or two, if needed) move onto the second exercise to complete one superset. Try not to rest between the exercises if you can. The material appearing on LIVESTRONG.COM is for educational use only. If you're standing, begin with your feet hip-width apart. It’s all about maintaining good form since it can be easy to sacrifice form when you’re on the fourth consecutive minute of working your triceps. Strength 12 Reps: In + Out Bicep Curl Strength-training exercises can be performed in straight single sets, circuits or supersets, which is where you perform two exercises back-to-back without pausing between, according to the American Council on Exercise. Holding two dumbbells, position yourself on the bench facing the back, placing your chest against the bench. With control, lower the weights back to your sides. But avoid using momentum to lift the weights (if you find you are, lower the amount of weight). Upper-Body Supersets for Your Arms, Shoulders, Chest and Back | It’s hard for me to get to the gym sometimes for my own workout and I’ve been missing the strength work. Lower and repeat 12 times, then switch sides. Upper body muscles' rep ranges are between 4-and-15, with the exception of abdominals and neck muscles. The reason for this is that legs are the biggest and strongest muscles of the body. Repeat this superset if you feel strong enough or want to work your upper body more, or move on to the next superset. any of the products or services that are advertised on the web site. When your chest hovers an inch off the ground (or as far as you can go), exhale and press into the floor to return to high plank. Lower the weights all the way down and then lift halfway up. Repeat the entire circuit x 2 sets. Push up onto your hands, keeping your hips close to the bench. But upper-body splits generally include workouts and lifting that target the chest, middle and upper back, shoulders, biceps, and triceps. Note: The upright row is a vertical lift. If you use dumbbells, hold one in each hand, with your palms facing forward. Begin by pressing the weight overhead. (If you want a more challenging version, move your feet further away from the bench.). If your form starts to suffer, the set is over. Upper body workouts not only build strength and endurance, they can also build stronger bones and help with weight loss. Dave and Les Jacobs / Blend Images / Brand X Pictures / Getty Images. Do 12 reps. (Each rep includes a half-press followed by a complete chest press.). Use a slightly lighter weight than the chest press, if needed. Begin holding the heaviest weight you can curl with good form. Bend your elbows so the weights are level with your earlobes, making your arms look like goal posts. To do an upright row, stand with your feet hip-width apart. Strength 12 Reps: Bent over row; Burnout 15 Reps: Alligator fly; Biceps. Start with the weight straight up. Begin in a high plank position, hands directly beneath your shoulders, body in a straight line from head to hips to toes. Why This superset works your heart harder by alternating blood flow between your upper and lower body How Stand in front on a barbell, then squat down and grip it with both hands. One way to do this is to change the tempo of your exercises, such as adding a small pulse after each rep. You can also build endurance in your chest, back, shoulders, biceps, and triceps by doing supersets. Aside from the initial calorie burn, it’s an opportunity to build lean muscle, and with time and diligence, you can raise your resting metabolism. If you go by the super-specific definition, a true superset (antagonist superset) is when you're doing two exercises that target opposing muscles groups. , Facebook Twitter Reddit WhatsApp Share via Email. The LIVESTRONG Foundation and LIVESTRONG.COM do not endorse An efficient SUPERSET WORKOUT that pairs strength training exercises with cardio conditioning. This means the last rep should be doable with good form. Get into a pushup position on your knees or toes, with your hands under the shoulders. Upper-body workouts can vary according to individual needs. Hold a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder height, the inner part of your wrist facing out. To do a one-arm dumbbell row, place your left foot on a step or, if you have a bench, rest your weight on your left knee with your left hand supporting you. You’ll be training five days each week following an upper/lower split, plus an arm day. You will also feel this exercise in your chest. Aim to do each superset once or twice, with a short rest in between. You can do this move standing or sitting. Continue alternating sides for 12 reps. (One rep includes both the right and left arms.). If you don't have a barbell, substitute with dumbbells or some other type of resistance. Repeat this superset for a more intense workout or move on to the next superset. Your elbows should be locked into your sides. Repeat for eight slow reps followed by eight small, pulsing reps. Repeat this superset to get a more intense upper body workout or move on to the next superset. On the push ups, really go for max effort — just make sure your form is still flawless. While squeezing the shoulder blades together, stretch the band so that your arms are out to your sides, like airplane wings. (Check your band for any small tears before you do the exercise so it doesn't break and snap on you.). These moves target your upper back, which will even out potential muscle imbalances and can help you stand taller, Frozaglia says. Lower the weights back to your sides, keeping the weight controlled. You may need to go lighter. Continue alternating arms for 12 reps. (One rep includes both the right and left arms lifting.). Continue alternating rows on each arm for 10 reps. (One rep includes both the right and left arms.). Time to target your triceps! 3 45-degree incline dumbbell chest press. Bend your elbows and squeeze your biceps to curl the weight up, toward the shoulders. Begin this chest press by sitting on a bench or ball with your weights resting on your knees. Copyright © Begin with your feet hip-width apart and hold weights in both hands. Now that you are all warmed up, it’s time to start the actual workout. Both the agonist superset and the agonist/antagonist superset are incredible time-saving muscle builders, but they have significant differences that will dramatically impact your individual goals. If you're chasing a good muscle pump, supersets with high reps are your best friend. Leaf Group Ltd. Keeping your abs braced and your left arm in place, press your right arm overhead without locking the elbow. Joe November 16, 2016. You can either repeat this superset to boost your upper body strength and endurance even more or move on to the next superset. Switch the ball to your left hand, and repeat. If you're on a ball, brace your core and make sure your head and neck are supported. The main perk of adding these to your workout is that your muscles will recover faster in between sets. Whether your goal is to build strength, muscular endurance or just look great in a sleeveless shirt (hey, we don't blame you! Read more: A Superset HIIT Workout Beginners Will Love. However, because you're bent over, your lower back and core get more of a workout. Basically, you're burning out your biceps. How to do this Upper Body Superset Workout for Women This particular superset workout for women combines exercises strategically, so you’ll ‘burn out’ the muscles of the upper body. Squeeze your triceps to push the weight back up, keeping the weight centered over your torso. Related: 5 Day Superset & Timed Set Muscle Building Workout. Once you’re done with the first exercise in the superset move onto the next exercise in the superset. It should not be Bending at the elbows, begin to lower your chest toward the ground, keeping a flat back. The word might sound like advanced gym lingo, but supersets actually pretty simple — and effective. Keeping your elbows in place, lower the weights toward the sides of your head, alongside your ears. Keeping your elbows close to your ribs, curl the weights up to chest height, keeping an underhand grip. Brace your abs and try to avoid arching your back. Upper Body Superset Workout with Fat Burning Cardio Intervals - Arm, Chest, Back & Shoulder Workout. Bending at the elbows, lower the barbell to chest height, letting the elbows dip slightly below the bench. While the last superset worked the lats, this one focuses more on the upper back and the area between the shoulder blades. Full-Body Superset Workouts. . In an arcing motion, bring the arms back to meet at the front of the body. With these two shoulder exercises, you're really going to feel the burn. Brace your abs to keep your body stable. ), supersets may be the golden ticket. With that in mind, we’ve created the ultimate dumbbell only workout to target your upper body. The focus during this workout is not speed. Supersets are one the greatest creations when it comes to workout routines. Lie on a flat bench with two dumbbells in hand, arms fully extended over your chest. Continue alternating between the right and left arms for 10 reps. (One rep includes both the right and left sides.). For standing calf raises, these can be completed either with a machine, with weight, or with bodyweight depending on the gym flow during your workouts. Repeat this motion for 10 curls, then pick up weights that are 2 to 5 pounds lighter (depending on the weight you started with) and curl these weights for 10 reps. Keep working your way down in weight until you hit the 5-pound dumbbells and perform one final set of 10 curls. For a harder workout, perform each one three times. The first superset is all lower body exercises and the second superset is all upper body exercises; making this a full body, 30-Minute Dumbbell HIIT Workout. Squeeze your back and pull your right elbow up in a rowing motion until it is level with your torso. If you're on an exercise ball, this will be a challenge for your entire core. Pause when your arms are fully extended at your sides (kind of like a T shape but with a slight bend in the elbow). Grip the barbell slightly wider than shoulder-width. Sit on a step or chair with your knees bent and your hands next to your hips. 0. Still keeping the elbow in place, reverse the motion and extend the arms again. Lift your right arm back to the starting position and repeat the chest fly with the left arm, again bracing your abs and keeping your left elbow slightly bent. Easy to perform supersets and dropsets. Squeeze your back to pull your right arm back up and then lower your left arm. The close-grip bench press begins by lying on a bench or ball and holding weights or a barbell. Bend your elbows and lower into a pushup. On an exhale, press the dumbbells back up, keeping them together. The Most Efficient Way to Work Out for Strength Gains, 10 Exercise Pairs That Were Made For Each Other, A Superset HIIT Workout Beginners Will Love, American Council on Exercise: "20-minute Opposing Super Set Workout", PARTNER & LICENSEE OF THE LIVESTRONG FOUNDATION. Keep your shoulders down and your chest up as you bend your elbows, pulling them up toward the ceiling and bringing the weight or weights to chest level. Let your arms hang extended. Read more: The Most Efficient Way to Work Out for Strength Gains. Your elbows should form a 45-degree angle with your ribs. I have been trying up my strength training a little bit lately because it seems like a lot of my workouts over the last few months have been quick three mile runs and yoga practices. Do 10 reps before switching sides and completing 10 more repetitions with your right arm forward. In my … To maximize strength development, you’ll need longer rest periods between each set, which is best exemplified in traditional resistance training program structure. Supersets are a great method to bring your upper-body workouts to the next level. The below program consists of six workouts that I did on six consecutive days. Moreover, we do not select every advertiser or advertisement that appears on the web site-many of the Upper Body Supersets - Strength and Endurance Challenge, Ⓒ 2020 About, Inc. (Dotdash) — All rights reserved, Paige Waehner is a certified personal trainer, author of the "Guide to Become a Personal Trainer"; and co-author of "The Buzz on Exercise & Fitness.". Try to get your back parallel to the floor if you can, or aim for a 45-degree angle if this bothers your back. There are 5 Superset Workouts total Each Workout has only 6 exercises – separated into 3 Supersets with 2 Exercises each Do each exercise – within the superset – 15-20 times each – to complete one full round of the set. Also, modify or skip any exercise that causes you pain or discomfort. In these supersets, you alternate two different exercises for the same muscle group with no rest in between. You should feel more tension in your right arm from this staggered position. Lie on a bench or ball and hold your weights over your chest with your palms facing in. Lie back on a bench set to a 45-degree angle and lift the weights up to shoulder height, palms facing away from you. Adjust an exercise bench to a low incline — about 45 degrees. 2020 Day 5, and the final day of the lifting week, features a whole upper body day. Traditionally, the exercises within a superset targets different muscle groups — the idea is to condense them together to save time, keep your heart rate up, and boost your metabolism by … I love it so much! Hold a weight in your right hand and let your arm hang down like in the one-arm row. Sit on the edge of a flat bench, back straight, feet flat on the ground, a dumbbell in each hand held at your sides. This workout can be completed in 30 to 45 minutes, depending on how many sets you do and how much rest you take between sets. Do each exercise (within the set) 15 times each, bouncing between the 2. Upper-Body Superset Training Plan. Privacy Policy Begin with the weight in your right hand and hanging down towards the floor. Bojana Galic is the staff writer for and is currently finishing her NASM personal training certification. This front raise requires that you sit on an exercise ball or an incline bench. Lie on a flat bench with a barbell racked above you about eye level. Slowly lower the weights for 3 to 4 seconds until they reach shoulder height again, elbows dipping below shoulder height. Copyright Policy – 3 to 4 workouts weekly – 1/2 body trained at each workout session – Higher repetitions to keep blood in the muscles for longer periods of time. Hold your arms straight out in front of you, your palms facing the ceiling. Continue alternating hands on the medicine ball for 12 to 20 reps. Repeat this superset for a more intense upper body workout or move on to the next superset. Lower-body splits target the abdominals, lower back, glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves. To do this exercise, prop your left foot on a step, supporting your body by placing your left hand on your thigh. Just like with the bench press and push-up superset above, the dumbbell press will burn out your arm muscles. Then bend your elbows, keeping them close to your body as you lower the weight to hover just above your ribcage. Rest no more than 90 seconds between sets, but if 60 seconds is enough, go for it. Repeat this exercise for 10 reps. (Each rep includes a full overhead press and a half overhead press.). Keeping your back flat and neck long, hinge at your hips and bend your knees slightly. Quickly press the weights up over your shoulders until your arms are fully extended. From this position, walk your left hand forward while keeping your right hand directly under the right shoulder. Start this workout by warming up for five to 10 minutes. Keep your legs extended on the sides of the bench to support your body. But as with other burnout exercises, watch your form and don't use momentum to swing the weight. For this superset workout, each superset is made up of two exercises that work on opposing muscle groups or joint actions. Lower body rep range is between 8-and-20. Bend your elbows and lower into a pushup. Again, using day 1 as an example, you’ll superset an extended set of dumbbell chest presses with an extended set of cable chest moves, doing that three times. You can either do this by performing some type of light-intensity cardio exercise, or you can do warm-up sets of the exercises used in the main portion of this workout. Grab a barbell with an overhand grip, hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Thank you, {{}}, for signing up. Performing exercises for 12 to 15 reps will increase blood flow to your muscles, giving your upper body the pop you're looking for. Hold your dumbbells or a barbell with your hands just inside the shoulders, palms facing your body. Lie on a flat bench with a dumbbell in each hand, arms fully extended over your chest. For your next upper-body workout, give this superset workout a try, credit to Mathew Forzaglia, certified personal trainer and founder of Forzag Fitness on the NEOU App. Upper body superset workout. Push back to the starting position. Lower your leg and arm for another dip, this time extending the left leg and reaching out with your right hand. Read more: 10 Exercise Pairs That Were Made For Each Other. The equipment you'll need to do this workout includes a barbell, various weighted dumbbells, a bench, a step or exercise ball, a medicine ball, and a medium-tension resistance band. used as a substitute for professional medical advice, Keeping your arms straight, lift them straight up to shoulder level with your palms facing in. Verywell Fit uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. You can also do this exercise while kneeling or by tipping forward at the hips and bracing your elbow on your thigh to support your lower back. Continue dipping and alternating sides for 12 reps. Get exercise tips to make your workouts less work and more fun. "This is where we can get more reps and pump more blood into the muscle." *You also can view this 30-Minute Full Body Superset Workout on Youtube. "This is one of my favorite workouts because you achieve the most unreal pump quickly," Forzaglia says. Between the strength training and the cardio intervals, this workout is a calorie burning powerhouse. Press your feet into the ground and push the barbell back up, arms fully extended. Each side of body is forced to perform equally. Press your feet into the ground and lift the barbell off the rack and over your chest, keeping your hips against the bench. Keep the motions slow and controlled and isolated to your shoulders. Next, lower the weight back to the starting position and repeat the move on the left side. If you're using a ball, use a mat or shoes that don't slip and hold lighter dumbbells. Think: a biceps curl and a triceps extension. Repeat this format until all supersets are done then move on to the next exercise pairing. diagnosis or treatment. Holding this position, begin to raise the dumbbells out to your sides, keeping a slight bend in your elbows. Back. From here, press the weights halfway up, lower them back down, and then press them all the way up. "When one muscle group is being contracted, its functional opposite relaxes, reducing … She also created her own online training program, the TL Method. Killer Upper Body Superset Workout. Press the weight halfway up and then lower it back to chin level again. If it feels like there is too much tension in the band, move them further apart. Then, you’ll superset a triceps extended set with a biceps extended, again three times, and so on. Reps: as many reps as possible, keeping good form. If your form slips, stop early or switch to a lighter weight. Next, lie back and hold the weights up over your chest without locking your elbows. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand. advertisements are served by third party advertising companies. Push back to the starting position, roll the ball to your left hand, and repeat. For each set, pick a weight that’s approximately your 5-rep max (except on calves), and take each set within the set to failure. And they're better together, as they hit your back muscles from slightly different angles. By using Verywell Fit, you accept our, How To Do This Upper Body Strength and Endurance Workout, Get Strong With This Intense Upper Body Workout, Pump it Up with This Upper Body Tri-Set Challenge Workout, Back and Biceps Workout for Strength and Muscle, Build Strength With This Full Body, Intermediate Workout Progression, Your New Total Body 30-Minute Strength-Building Workout, Overweight Exercisers Can Lift Weights With a Seated Total Body Workout, Lower Body Superset Workout for Challenging the Glutes, Hips and Thighs, Work Your Upper Body in a Short and Efficient Workout, The Only 9 Stretches You Need to Relieve Tension in Your Neck, 14 Full-Body Exercises With Weights to Burn Fat and Build Muscle, Want to Get Started with Bands? They were made for walking hundreds of miles. Note that you should complete one superset before you move on to the next superset. Once you finish all your skull crusher reps, press the same dumbbells together and move right into the close-grip press, Forzaglia says. Avoid hiking or sinking your hips. Lower them back down and continue for 10 reps. (One rep includes a full curl and a half curl.). Slowly walk your feet out, getting into an incline position, with your knees bent and the ball positioned around your mid-back. So grab a few DBs and get to work. The Workout: Upper Body Superset Workout Complete the number of repetitions listed next to each exercise below, 12 repetitions for strength exercises and 15 repetitions for burnout exercises. Start with the weights at your sides. Bend your elbows and lower into a triceps dip, going down until your elbows are at 90-degree angles. Pull both elbows up in a rowing motion. You can do bicep curls with a barbell or a set of dumbbells. In this superset, the push-ups act as a drop set or burnout, as they follow a heavier loaded movement, Forzaglia says. See your doctor before trying this or any other workout if you have any injuries, illnesses, or other health conditions. 5 Day Superset Training Program. I have an upper body workout to share with you today. For those of you who don’t know what a superset is, it’s basically when you perform two exercises back-to-back with no rest or as little rest as possible. This forces them to build more muscle fibers and grow stronger. Full Body 8 Week Superset Program to Super Size Your Gains. Also, use heavy-enough weights so you can only do the suggested number of reps, but no more. In that case, they have more endurance. Get into a pushup position on your knees or toes and rest your right hand on a medicine ball. Use of this web site constitutes acceptance of the LIVESTRONG.COM This adds intensity and forces your muscles to work harder. Repeat this superset for a more advanced upper body workout or move on to the next superset. Bend your elbows and lower the weight down until your elbows are just below your torso. Lower the weight and, as you do, begin a biceps curl with the left arm. If you need more tension, you may need to bring your hands closer together. Pair the bench press with the classic push-up for more upper-body pump. The first … Summer is just around the corner – yes, really – and when the sun finally shows up you need to be ready to whip your shirt off without a second’s thought. Do the workouts six days in a row yourself, or scale it back by inserting rest days between workouts. Slowly bend your elbows and lower into a pushup. Increasing your strength requires that your muscles get enough time under tension. Bend your right elbow, squeezing your biceps to curl the weight up. Terms of Use This routine has been built to be a very well rounded upper body workout and has been developed using supersets to get the most intense strength/mass building workout in the shortest amount of time. On an exhale, row the dumbbells to chest height, pulling your shoulder blades back. The difference here is that you'll rotate your hand so your palm is facing the back of the room. If you're using a barbell, place your hands shoulder-width apart with your palms facing out. The added bonus for superset workouts? Extend the arms again, letting the dumbbells hang. Once your body is ready to exercise safely, perform the exercises in each superset, one after the other, for the number of repetitions or reps indicated. As you press up, extend your right leg, reaching for your toes with your left hand. Continue alternating hands on the medicine ball for 12 to 20 reps. Repeat this superset for a more intense upper body workout or move on to the next superset. Bend at your elbows and bring the dumbbells to chest height. Begin by standing with your feet hip-width apart, your weights in front of your thighs, and your palms facing forward. LIVESTRONG is a registered trademark of the LIVESTRONG Foundation. Bend your elbows to bring the weight down to about chin level. Keep your elbows static, or in the same position, the entire time. How you do it depends on your schedule and current fitness level. Keep your left arm in place and your back contracted, then lower your right hand towards the floor. Bend your knees to further protect your lower back. Hold a resistance band so your hands are about a foot apart. You can do this move with a barbell or with dumbbells. While holding your weights, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your abs braced. If you're using a barbell, begin with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold the bar at your chest with your hands just wider than your shoulders. Touch the dumbbells together and hold them in this position through the whole move. You can repeat this superset for a more intense workout or move on to the next one. Engage your shoulder blades (your rhomboid muscles) to pull your right arm up to shoulder level so it is perpendicular to the body. When working your upper body, you can improve both your strength and endurance. This upper body superset workout contains 5 pairs of exercises (10 exercises total). Try This Beginner Band Workout, Hit the Gym With This Effective Total Body One-Dumbbell Workout. and You are cutting out that resting period between sets, so you will get out of the gym and on with your day that much quicker! On an exhale, raise the two dumbbells up, forming a T shape with your upper body. Push back up. She completed her undergrad education at New York University in 2018. You’ll alternate between the first and second exercise in the pair until your sets are complete. Drop set or burnout, as you have seen in the one-arm.! In this position, with a biceps curl with the exception of abdominals and neck long, at. 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