A simple sentence contains one independent clause. Here we ask the question,” to whom she gave?” Then we get the answer,” her brother”. Learning these common sentence and question patterns helps us with other people, in messaging or using e-mail. Simple Sentence. Examples of compound sentences:- A complex sentence consists of an independent clause joined by one or more dependent clauses. If we are just learning English, learning these stereotypes will add fluency to us when we live in English-speaking countries, speaking English in … If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. The classification of sentences is based on its clause structure. (Compound verb) … Compound Sentences Examples . To understand what a simple sentence is, it can be helpful to see some examples of sentences that are NOT simple. Examples are given below. Starting with simple sentences in this level, we will study sentence structure and if you go through all of the lessons in order, hopefully, your writing and speaking will get better. In the present simple 3rd person singular (he, she, it), add s, es, or ies to the base form of the verb. Of all the four types of sentence structures, simple sentence is the easiest to understand. Some other forms of this verb tense are: I am singing at church today. The kettle boils. The only point that you must take care while constructing a simple sentence is to ensure that you use only one independent clause. These sentences are classified based on the clauses used in them. "He" is the subject, "is" is the present tense of the verb to be and "swimming" is the present participle verb form. An indirect object is a part of a sentence that receives the action or the direct object. In a simple sentence direct objects can be nouns, pronouns, or phrases. 3.He doesn’t teach math. Here are some examples: She’s afraid of spiders. A simple sentence can be very short, but some are long too, so long as they only have one subject-verb combination. It is only who or what is doing the verb, without any modifiers. (*In this article, clause is not considered as we are dealing with simple sentence and an extra clause will not come in a simple sentence). The verbs or verb phrases are joined by coordinate conjunction. But when the coordinating conjunction “and” is used, the compound subject is considered as plural. In the above sentence, “cooked” is the simple predicate. It gives meaning to the subject’s action on the verb. But this coordinate conjunction is not part of the compound predicate. 2.Does she live in Paris? A direct object can be identified by asking “who” or “what” to the verb. Learn more. An example of a simple past tense verb used in a sentence would be: "I went to the park." In the above sentence,” went to office” is the predicate. She returned the cellphoneafter she found out it was defective. Mary and Samantha took the bus. In English grammar, simple predicate is a verb or verb phrase without any modifiers or objects. Usually all of them are in a form of pattern and knowing them well helps us to be better at speaking a language in daily life. Auxiliary verbs may or may not be present; depending on the sentence. Birds live in nests. Notice that there are some key characteristics of a compound sentence: Last night, I ate dinner at a restaurant with my brother and sister.As you can see, even though some of these sentences are long, each only has one subject and one verb (one clause). What does simple-sentence mean? A Simple Sentence is a sentence that contain only one independent clause and no dependent clauses. In this phrase, ‘Jill’s’ modifies the noun ‘sister’, but the whole phrase itself becomes an adjective when it modifies the noun ‘Rose’. A subject can be a noun, pronoun, or a noun phrase. The predicate part of the sentences begins with the verb. 4. So, a simple sentence will always contain a subject and a predicate, although sometimes, the subject may be implied (E.g., Imperative sentence). When the coordinating conjunctions,” or” or “nor” is used to connect the subjects, the verb must agree the subject close to the verb. These kinds of sentences have only one independent clause, and they don't contain any subordinate clauses. In the example, “Jack and Jill went up the hill,” there are two subjects – Jack and Jill. c) Harsha bought a pen. 1. We can add more meaning to the sentence by including qualifiers, objects, complements etc. A compound sentence is made up of two or more simple sentences joined with a conjunction. Your email address will not be published. English Exampe Sentences, 50 examples of simple sentences 1.She doesn’t study German on Monday. You can also say someone was “here” or “over there.” Since these terms are relative (their meaning depends o… First, let's start by defining what a simple sentence is. Here, ‘Jill’s sister’, ‘very’, and ‘intelligent’ are modifiers. "Mary and Samantha" = compound subject, "took" = verb 4. I play on the ground. Hence, it is important to understand the basic concepts of writing simple sentences. Only the mediocre are always at their best. The Simple Sentence English Grammar article is clear and bright, with no additional unnecessary facts. New learners of the English language prefer to write and communicate in simple sentences as they are easy to understand. Arnold and Juan play cricket every evening. Filed Under: Types of Sentences based on Structure Tagged With: examples of simple sentences, simple sentence, simple sentences. Jack = subject, threw = verb and ball = object. The train was late. In the above sentence, “My son’s toffees” is the complete subject, When a sentence has two or more subjects, that subject is known as compound subject. Here, the subjects are orange and the verbs are green. However, in this sentence, they are treated as a single unit. 4. 2. Joe waited for the train. A compound sentence contains more than one! The simple sentence is one of the four basic sentence structures. In the above sentences, the highlighted words are the direct objects. We can identify an indirect object by asking the question of to whom, for whom, or for what. The plot of the film was very interesting, as he had told us. Sentence types can also be combined. Your email address will not be published. So, it is an adverb which modifies the verb. The boys are singing. A simple sentence is one independent clause that has a subject and a verb and expresses a complete thought. In each example, we have italicizedthe independent clause to guide you. 1.It usually rains every day here.. 2.It smells very delicious in the kitchen.. 3.We generally sing songs all together.. 4.We go to a gallery every Sunday.. 5.Does he write an email?. Each of the above sentences can be turned into two simple sentences: 1. A sentence consisting of a single independent clause (Ex: The dog barked loudly) (noun) In this sentence, “The baby ” is the subject, “seemed ” is the linking verb, and “calm” is the complement. A simple sentencehas the most basic elements that make it a sentence: a subject, a verb, and a completed thought. The parts of a simple sentence are given below: A subject, in English grammar, is a part of a sentence that contains the person or thing performing the action (or verb) in the sentence. b) The earth moves round the sun. When we change the grammatical structures of these patterns we use in daily life, they will benefit us a lot when we use them in our professional life. A simple sentence contains only one independent clause. If we are just learning English, learning these stereotypes will add fluency to us when we live in English-speaking countries, speaking English in daily life. 2. Simple Sentences can be classified into seven types based on their structure, as described below-Subject + Verb: (S + V) These types of sentences contain a single Subject and a Verb. Identify and arrange simple and compound sentences. To identify the compound predicate, we ask the subject what it does or what it is. In the above sentence’, ‘a’ is an article which modifies the word ‘elephant’ and the word ‘big’ is the direct adjective of the word ‘elephant’. Without it, we would not understand what the sentence is trying to say. Notice that there are some important requirements for a simple sentence: 1. A complete subject the word or words in a subject along with any of the modifiers. It completes the idea. A Compound predicate may also contain words which give additional information about the verb and verb phrases in the sentence. It gives two or more details about the same subject. She loves her baby. In the above sentence, “she” is the simple subject. Compound Verbs and Compound Subjects – Some sentences have a single subject and two or more verbs. The most basic part of a sentence are the subject and predicate. In a simple sentence, there is only one independent clause. Rose, Jill’s sister, is highly intelligent. Types of Simple Sentences. "A Simple Sentence is one which has one independent clause. The words,” every” and “successful” are modifiers. 3. In grammar a Complement is a word, phrase, or* clause that is required to complete the meaning of a given expression. A compound sentence is a group of words that consists of at least two independent clauses. I ate dinner with my brother and sister. The adjectives modify nouns and adverbs modify the verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. Molly waited to order because her husband was running late. The dog barked and bit. The answer, the fielder “tried to catch the ball but missed” is the compound predicate. There is only one independent clause and no other clause in each of the above sentences, so they are simple sentences. The other structures are the compound sentence, the complex sentence, and the compound-complex sentence. Though he had all the riches in the world, he was still unhappy. Here are few examples of simple sentences to explain this concept further for you: 1. It means there is only one part that can stand on its own and give out the complete meaning. In the above sentence, “cooked food and baked a heart shaped cake” is the complete predicate. The teacher is in the classroom. In English grammar, complete predicate is a verb or verb phrase with modifiers or objects. Notes:To state the location of something or someone, a preposition is usually necessary. Form:[Noun] is [preposition] [location]. I ate dinner. In English grammar, that part of a sentence or clause containing a verb and stating something about the subject is called a Predicate. In the above sentence, the indirect object is her brother as he receives the action of the direct object, “present”. 3. The cat and the dog yowled and howled, respectively. A modifier is either an adjective or an adverb. So, let us learn more about simple sentences. 6.The sun rises at the east.. 7.She goes to work by car.. 8.It doesn’t rain here in the summer. The other parts of a simple sentence are objects (direct object, indirect object, and object of preposition), modifiers and complement. When two or more verbs or verb phrases share the same subject, we call it a compound predicate. Jack and Jill went up the hill.Here are some inferences from these examples – A simple sentence needn’t necessary always have one subject and one predicate. She talked endlessly about fairy tales and happily ever afterswhen she was younger. Then Meg and Tom went for a run. The direct object of a verb is the direct receiver of the action of the verb. Examples of simple sentences a) Dogs bark. The word, “this ” is a modifier.” You” are the object of the preposition, “for”. Spelling Tip. "Joe" = subject, "waited" = verb 2. Chase went for a swim and Luke played basketball. When we learn these common sentence and question patterns, we can establish a more comfortable dialogue. Here are a few examples of simple sentences to explain this concept further for you: Since simple sentences have only one independent clause, they are extremely easy to understand, and they help us to put forward our point very clearly. For grasping the contents of this article, it’s essential that you have sufficient knowledge of the following grammatical terms: Every sentence that we write has got a particular structure. So ‘a’, ‘big’, and ‘yesterday’ are modifiers. A simple subject is a main word or words that tell us whom or what a sentence describes. However, it is a misconception that simple sentences can be used only to express simple or plain ideas of everyday lives. I looked for Mary and Samantha at the bus station. Some sentences used in English appear quite often and are very simple to use. A modifier is a word, phrase, or clause* that modifies other words in a sentence. Simple sentence is one of the four sentence structures. Check out the following examples of sentences that are not simple: 1. Even after 10 years of being apart, he still … Given below are the few examples of these types of Simple Sentences- A Compound predicate is important as by using it we can avoid several short sentences. In the above example, barked and bit is the compound predicate. The dog barked and ran (Compound verb) 2. In this sentence, “The grass” is the subject, “is” is the linking verb, and “green” is the complement. 2. Must have a subject … Other sentences have a single verb and two or more subjects. It follows a transitive verb. The speaker completed their action of going to the park, so you use the verb "go" in the simple past tense. A compound sentence consists of two independent clauses. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); There are some stereotypes that are used in daily life, at work, at school, in the hospital and many more. An independent clause can stand on its own and it is called a simple sentence. So, both the words ‘a’ and ‘big’ are adjectives which modify the noun ‘elephant.’ The word ‘yesterday’ shows the time of the action of t the verb ‘saw’. It can also be used to express deep philosophical thoughts and more complicated ideas. The verbs in the Predicate parts are Finite verbs as they show tense. simple sentence meaning: 1. a sentence that has only one verb 2. a sentence that has only one verb. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 2.The train leaves every morning at 18 AM. They express only one main idea. For example: 1. Identify and arrange simple and compound sentences. The dog barks. Let's look at some examples! In the above sentence, cup is the object of the preposition, “in”. 3) A complex sentence contains an independent clause and a dependent clause. In other words, a complete subject includes both simple subject and all the words that modify it. It is used to express a strong surprise of emotion and always ends with an exclamation mark. Without it, the sentence is incomplete. They form the basis around which you can construct complex sentences, compound sentences and compound-complex sentences. They ate breakfast. If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains *.kastatic.org and *.kasandbox.org are unblocked. A simple sentence consists of just one clause. An independent clause is a clause which has a subject and a predicate. 2. Compound sentences can be divided to make two simple sentences by removing the conjunction. Simple Sentence Examples. Depending upon structure, these include: 1. "The train" = subject, "was" = verb 3. A simple sentence has one unit of the subject and one unit of the predicate. While writing a sentence with direct object, we must keep the direct object and the verb together. The Object of a Preposition is a part of a sentence; and is controlled by a preposition. The speech is equally brilliant and vibrant, so the further I read, the more I really do like it! In its simplest form, a simple sentence consists of a subject and a verb. To identify the compound predicate, we ask the subject, fielder, what did the player do? A compound-complex sentence contains at least two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause. 20 Sentences of Simple Present. Here we ask the question,” to whom I passed?” Then we get the answer,” my mother”. An independent clause is a group of words that has a subject and a verb and can stand alone as a complete thought. (Novelist Jean Giraudoux) 1. (Compound noun) 4. Simple sentence. Jack and Jill went up a hill. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. There are two different types of simple sentence. (Compound noun) 3. Listed below are some examples of complex sentences with an independent clause and a subordinate clause. In the above sentence, man is the object of the preposition, behind. Put another way: a simple sentence contains a subject and a predicate, but a compound sentence contains more than one subject and more than one predicate. Simple sentences are usually used at the beginning of a paragraph or essay because they put forward points very clearly and are easy to understand. In the above sentence the phrase ‘Jill’s sister’ modifies the noun ‘Rose’. The object of a preposition usually has modifiers preceding or following it. Is the complete meaning present, simple examples of simple sentences is to ensure that you use only one independent clause no. Used to express simple or plain ideas of everyday lives question of to whom, or phrases seeing message! Tried to catch the ball but missed ” is used to express philosophical! Single independent clause and no dependent clauses Complement is a part of the direct object, dish... Phrases share the same subject noun ‘sister’, but the whole phrase itself becomes an adjective when it the... Took '' = subject, `` waited '' = subject, `` was '' = verb 5 that other. Independent clauses and at least two independent clauses and at least two clauses. 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