Bras. Nutritional evaluation of various feedstuffs for livestock production using, Kiranadi, B. ; Sastradipradja, D., 2002. Reproductive performance of rabbits fed wheat bran with tropical forages or, Muir, J. P. ; Massaete, E. S., 1996. B. ; Ichinohe, T. ; Fujihara, T., 1997. Aging did not influence DM and OM intake, the flow of rumen microbial N into the small intestine, and efficiency of rumen microbial protein synthesis. Prod. Live-weight gains of 1 kg/hd/day during the growing season and 480 kg/ha/yr are achievable (Cook et al., 2005). Intake and digestibility of elephant grass silages with the different levels of acerola industry by-product. J. Anim. Napier grass (, Yaakub, H. ; Chuan, T. B. ; Shokri, J. ; Alimon, A. R., 2006. It was introduced into the USA in 1913, in the 1950s into Central and South America and the West Indies, and in the 1960s into Australia. Rev. This label database does not replace the official manufacture issued label. Tessema, Z. ; Baars, R. M. T., 2004. Agropec. Materials used for ensiling elephant grass: In Queensland (Australia), elephant grass has been used for dry-season feed by rolling at the end of winter, as it can make some winter growth during this period (Quinlan et al., 1975). Voluntary food intake, live-weight change and lactation performance of crossbred dairy cows given, Muinga, R. W. ; Thorpe, W. ; Topps, J. H., 1993. Leaving 10-15 cm high stubble provides sufficient carbohydrate reserves for subsequent regrowth (Orodho, 2006). The material and content contained in the Greenbook label database is for general use information only. The giant strides made in the livestock sector in the past decades are the major reason for positive growth rates recorded in agricultural sector. Silva, F. F. ; Aguiar, M. S. M. A. ; Veloso, C. M. ; Pires, A. J. V. ; Bonomo, P. ; Dutra, G. S. ; Almeida, V. S. ; Carvalho, G. G. P. ; Silva, R. R. ; Dias, A. M. ; Itavo, L. C. V., 2007. Nutritive value. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 68 (202): 1196-1202, Williams, D. G. ; Baruch, Z., 2000. Passion fruit by-product, dehydrated (14%). Elephant grass harvested in Central Brazil during the dry season after 100 days of growth had a better nutritive value (gas production) than Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon), giant star grass (Cynodon plectostachyus) and koronivia grass (Brachiaria humidicola) due to its lower cell wall and lignin contents, and higher N content (Nogueira Filho et al., 2000). Med. Elephant grass is sometimes intercropped with banana and cassava in home gardens (Mannetje, 1992). J. Anim. It can withstand drought conditions and is a pioneer species in arid lands such as the Galapagos Islands (CABI, 2014). Zootec., 39 (11): 2342-2348, Aregheore, E. M. ; Steglar, T. A. ; Ng'ambi, J. W., 2006. Rev. Personal communication. Trop. Evaluation of, Kahindi, R. K. ; Abdulrazak, S. A. ; Muinga, R. W., 2007. With poor drainage, it is best grown on raised beds (Göhl, 1982). It is commonly naturalized and sometimes becomes invasive (CABI, 2014). DM and crude protein digestibility and milk fatty acids concentrations were not markedly affected by the inclusion of elephant grass hay (Mostafa et al., 2003). Due to its high cell wall content, elephant grass results in a high methane production (Delgado et al., 2012; Hariadi et al., 2010). It does well in places where temperatures range from 25 °C to 40 °C (FAO, 2015) and where annual rainfall is over 1500 mm. Elephant grass fed alone could support the energy requirements of meat goats at maintenance. Users of this database must read and follow the actual product label affixed to the container before use of the product. Intake and rumen degradation in cattle fed napier grass (, Khan, Z. R.; Midega, C. A. O.; Wadhams, L. J. ; Pickett, J. Trop. A., 2007. Napier grass strips and livestock: a bioeconomic analysis. Elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum). African grass invasion in the Americas: ecosystem consequences and the role of ecophysiology. Lao J. Agric. Concentration of micro minerals in fiber fraction of forages. It is a valuable forage and very popular throughout the tropics, notably in cut-and-carry systems (Mannetje, 1992; FAO, 2015). Chopping is a common method for improving the overall value of the crop (see Forage management on the "Description" tab). Supplementation with sun-dried poultry litter is suitable for low to medium producing cows whereas supplementation with sunflower meal is to be preferred for high production. It is a very versatile species that can be grown under a wide range of conditions and systems: dry or wet conditions, smallholder or larger scale agriculture. South Afr. Oxalate levels of 2.5-3.1% of DM have been reported but no problems were recorded (Cook et al., 2005). 1986, No. The inflorescence is a stiff terminal bristly spike, up to 15-20 cm in length, yellow-brown to purplish in colour. Biol., 11 (1): 260-263, McNitt, J. I., 1980. Small Rum., 18 (2): 261-263, Chemisquy, A. ; Giussani, L. M. ; Scataglini, M. A. ; Kellogg, E. A. ; Morrone, O., 2010. Zootec., 35 (6): 2226-2233, Agus, F. ; Cassel, D. K. ; Garrity, D. P., 1996. J. Appl. Elephant grass can cause nitrate poisoning in cattle when used as the sole component of the diet (Cook et al., 2005). Epa issues supplemental final rule for new qualifying renewable fuels under the RFS program. Animal feeding stuffs. II. Supplementation increased DM intake and average daily gain, from 0.32 kg/d to 0.65 kg/d in the case of 12-week grass. Nutritional inadequacy is a severe seasonal constraint in dry areas, but pasture improvement of extensive land systems is extremely difficult. Soc. Agworld and Greenbook do not provide any guarantee or assurance that the information obtained through this service is accurate, current or correct, and are therefore not liable for any loss resulting, directly or indirectly, from reliance upon this service. J., 53 (4): 538-545, EPA, 2013. Elephant grass in association with molasses grass (Melinis minutiflora) or Desmodium spp. Digestion trials on Rhodesian feedstuffs. Agron. The leaves are flat, linear, hairy at the base, up to 100-120 cm long and 1-5 cm wide, with a bluish-green colour. Grazing at 6-9-week intervals at a height of about 90 cm gives good utilization. Technol., 135 (3-4): 273-282, Teixeira, F. A. ; Veloso, C. M. ; Pires, A. V. ; Silva, F. F. da; Nascimento, P. V. N. ; Carvalho, G. G. P. de, 2008. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. More recently, in the semi-arid region of Paraíba, in North-east Brazil, two outbreaks of nitrate poisoning due to elephant grass occurred at the end of the dry season, after the first rains and application of cattle manure as fertilizer. Elephant grass forms dense thick clumps, up to 1 m across. In Nigeria, elephant grass has been used as mulch (25 cm layer) for weed control, for water storage and to reduce soil losses on slopes (Adekalu et al., 2007; Francis, 2004). Rev. Asian-Aust. It is one of the highest yielding tropical grasses. Personal Communication, Paiva, J. E. Afr. However, supplementation has a positive effect on performance, particularly with animals fed mature grass. Comparative potential nutritive value of grasses, creeping legumes and multipurpose trees commonly in sub humid region in the eastern parts of Tanzania. Effect of chemical additives on consumption and digestibility of King grass silages. II. Asian-Aust. FAO Plant Production and Protection Series No. It has a vigourous root system, developing from the nodes of its creeping stolons. Wallingford, UK: CAB International, Cabral, L. da S. ; Valadares Filho, S. de C. ; Detmann, E. ; Zervoudakis, J. T. ; Veloso, R. G. ; Nunes, P. M. M., 2004. Nutritive value of some grasses and leguminous tree leaves of the Central region of Africa. B., 1990. Harvesting at longer intervals produces higher DM yields but lower quality forage as protein and ash content, digestibility and leaf-to-stem ratios decline. Sci., 55 (1): 13-20, Kariuki, J. N. ; Gitau, G. K. ; Gachuiri, C. K. ; Tamminga, S. ; Muia, J. M. K. , 1999. Performance of lactating dairy goats fed diets of sweet potato vines, banana peels and maize leaves, supplemented with legume tree foliage. The effect of supplementation with, Muir, J. P. ; Massaete, E. S., 1995. Rev. Pasture availability and dry matter intake of lactating crossbred cows grazing elephant grass (, Artus-Poliakoff, F. ; Champannet, F. ; Gayalin, M., 1991. Sci., 2 (1): 7-12, Andrade, I. V. O. ; Pires, A. J. V. ; de Carvalho, G. G. P. ; Veloso, C. M. ; Bonomo, P., 2010. In: Xandé A. et Alexandre G. (eds), Pâturages et alimentation des ruminants en zone tropicale humide, INRA Publications, Versailles, 31-44, Olivo, C. J. ; Aguirre, P. F. ; Araujo, T. L. da R. de ; Diehl, M. S. ; Bem, C. M. de ; Serafim, G. ; Correa, M. da R., 2013. Nutrition Laboratory, Chiung Mai, Islam, M. R. ; Saha, C. K. ; Sarker, N. R. ; Jalil, M. A. ; Hasanuzzaman, M., 2003. In Hawaii, live-weight gains as high as 549 kg/ha were obtained with beef cattle grazing mature elephant grass (FAO, 2015). J. Anim. Many cultivars of elephant grass have been developed worldwide to suit local conditions and there is a wide range of habits, yield potential and nutritive value. Pastos y Forrajes, 12 (3): 273-277, Camurca, D. A. ; Neiva, J. N. M. ; Pimentel, J. C. M. ; Vasconcelos, V. R. ; Lobo, R. N. B., 2002. Molasses (4%) and defatted rice bran (15%). Rabbit Res., 9 (2): 56-66, Raharjo, Y. C. ; Cheeke, P. R. ; Patton, N. M., 1988. Elephant grass pasture + chopped sugarcane with 1% urea. Cook, B. G.; Pengelly, B. C.; Brown, S. D.; Donnelly, J. L.; Eagles, D. A.; Franco, M. A. ; Hanson, J.; Mullen, B. F.; Partridge, I. J.; Peters, M.; Schultze-Kraft, R., 2005. Productivity and crude protein of elephant grass pastures managed under agroecological and conventional systems. Elephant grass is rich in moisture: DM contents can be as low as 12%, with leaves containing 16% DM and stems only 9% DM (Moran, 2011). Elephant grass is very sensitive to climatic conditions, maturity and regrowth days, with a decrease in crude protein content, an increase in fibre, a decrease in dry matter and cell wall, as measured by in situ degradabilities and in vivo digestibilities (Butterworth, 1965; Kaitho et al., 1998; Sarwar et al., 1999a; Sarwar et al., 1999b). Feed value of selected tropical grasses, legumes and concentrates. Pays Trop., 44 (N° spécial): 91-98, Axtmayer, J. H. ; Rivera Hernandez, G. ; Cook, D. H., 1940. The young leaves and shoots are edible by humans and can be cooked to make soups and stews (Burkill, 1985). Increased average daily gain up to 50 g/d for lambs and 20 g/d for kids. Sci., 65 (2): 233-239, CABI, 2014. A., 1983. Nutritional evaluation of NB-21 hybrid Napier grass for goats. As in most grasses, young grass has a better nutritional value. Elephant grass can be processed into high quality silage and may be ensiled alone (FAO, 2015). There was no effect on milk and milk fat yields, though milk fat content was slightly changed, and milk protein and solid not fat (SNF) content increased. In Brazil, DM, OM, NDF and lignin contents of elephant grass hay did not differ among samples cut at 30, 50 70 and 90 days of regrowth, but ADF and non-structural carbohydrates increased linearly. The following table lists materials cited in the literature. Livest. Bras., 21 (1): 67-77, Palafox, A. L; Quisenberry, J. H. ; Reid, D. F., 1961. In Australia (Queensland), mature stand-over elephant grass was found to have a high nutritional value, because it is unaffected by frost, and remains green and succulent throughout the winter and spring (Milford, 1960). Holstein and crossbred (Holstein × Jersey) mid-lactation cows, Elephant grass pasture + concentrate (8.7% protein). It is considered a potential second generation energy source crop in the USA (EPA, 2013). Elephant grass is a very important forage in the tropics due to its high productivity. Anim. In Kenya, a comparison between fresh, dried and ensiled elephant grass showed that silage and hay preserved nutrients with equal efficiency. The performance of goats offered elephant grass (, Yokota, H. ; Okajima, T. ; Ohshima, M., 1991. Nutritive value of elephant grass silage enriched with processed passion fruit by-product. B. T. ; Raiser, A. G. ; Sanchez, L. M. B., 2003. Asian-Aust. For that reason, fresh elephant grass is often chopped to prevent animals from selecting the best parts (Moran, 2011). Asian-Aust. Asian J. Anim. Do not store near heat or open flame. The culms are coarse, perennial, and may be up to 4-7 m in height, branched above. Elephant grass is very similar in appearance to sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) but its leaves are narrower and its stems are taller (DAFF, 2014). Sci., 25 (9): 1248-1254, Butterworth, M. H., 1964. ... Ash provides no nutritional value and can negatively impact fiber digestibility. Elephant grass + tree legume foliage or wilted cassava leaves. "Merker" types have numerous relatively thin stems, narrow largely glabrous leaves, high yields, and are resistant to Helminthosporium. Sulfur fertilization of five tropical forages. J. Appl. Effect of 2 levels of concentrate in early lactation on milk yield and reproductive efficiency. Trop. Utilization of elephant grass (, Lim Han Kuo, 1967. Agropec. A. ; Barbosa, R. C. ; Marques, A. V. M. S. ; Nogueira, F. R. B., 2003. There is a trade-off between nutritive value, which decreases with the maturity of the plant, and the forage production, which depends on rainfall (Machado et al., 2008). Increased the degradability of mature forage. Maximum contents may also be set in the Catalogue for chemical impurities and processing aids present at levels lower than 0,1 % if deemed suitable for good trading practices. Last updated on October 5, 2020, 10:34, Feedipedia - Animal Feed Resources Information System - INRAE CIRAD AFZ and FAO © 2012-2020 | Copyright | Disclaimer | Editor login, Tables of chemical composition and nutritional value, English correction by Tim Smith (Animal Science consultant) and Hélène Thiollet (AFZ), Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum), forage, Elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum), aerial part, fresh, Elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum), hay, Elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum), silage, OM digestibility, ruminants (gas production), Adehan, R. ; Kpodekon, M. ; Houenon, J. ; Ossenti, T. B. ; Lebas, F., 1994. Hybrids of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) and elephant grass ("King grass", "Pusa Giant", "Bana grass", "Florida" and others) benefit from the desirable characteristics of pearl millet such as vigour, drought resistance, disease tolerance, forage quality and seed size, whereas elephant grass provides rusticity, aggressiveness, perennity, palatability and high DM yield (Timbo et al., 2010). Bras. The term millet actually covers a wide range of agriculture plants from around the world, all of them grasses. Elephant grass is a full sunlight species that can still produce under partial shade but does not withstand complete shade under a dense tree canopy (Francis, 2004). For more than 35 years Greenbook® has been the trusted, go-to crop and turf chemical reference guide for farmers, ranchers, agronomists, retailers and crop advisers alike. Results of trials in wet and dry areas. Lactational performance of Jersey cows given Napier fodder (, Muinga, R. W. ; Topps, J. H. ; Rooke, J. J. Anim. Res. Elephant grass is a summer growing grass that grows from sea level up to an altitude of 2000 m (Francis, 2004). The effects of supplementation with selected browse plants on feed intake, production and composition of milk in lactating Katjang cross goats. Effect of protein supplementation on milk production and metabolism of dairy cows grazing tropical grass. The point at which the two lines intersect designates the threshold, i.e. III. Rev. Effect of feeding napier grass, lucerne and sweet potato vines as sole diets to dairy heifers on nutrient intake, weight gain and rumen degradation. Livest. Increased nitrogenous fractions, but also the non-digestible fraction of carbohydrates and acid detergent insoluble nitrogen, which limits the use of cocoa meal as a silage ingredient. Users of this database must read and follow the actual product label affixed to the container before use of the product. In another trial with lambs, elephant grass hay had a higher forage quality than bahia grass (Paspalum notatum) hay due to its higher voluntary intake of digestible OM. After planting, elephant grass grows vigorously and can reach 4 m in 3 months (Skerman et al., 1990). Tropical pasture and fodder plants. Production fourragère et élevage ovin à la Martinique. Trop. Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage or disposal. CSIRO, DPI&F(Qld), CIAT and ILRI, Brisbane, Australia, D'Antonio, C. M. ; Vitousek, P. M., 1992. Effect of some additives on the quality and nutritive value of elephant grass silage. Molasses addition did not modify nutrient digestibility (goats) but inhibited proteolysis during the ensiling process, and improved nitrogen retention. J. Increased milk production but cows fed 2 months or 15 weeks elephant grass lost weight. However, palatability can be high during the rainy season when the protein content is high (17-18% DM) (Raharjo et al., 1986) and low during the dry season (McNitt, 1980; Muir et al., 1996). Avg: average or predicted value; SD: standard deviation; Min: minimum value; Max: maximum value; Nb: number of values (samples) used. J. Anim. It is used for erosion control and forage production in alley-cropping systems of agroforestry (Magcale-Macandog et al., 1998). B) QTL collapsed across conditions and time. Elephant grass is extremely palatable when young and leafy (Cook et al., 2005). Pesq. Vet. Yield, nutritive value and effects on soil fertility of forage grasses and legumes cultivated as ley pastures in the Borgou region of Benin. Nutritional quality of wilted napier grass (, Yokota, H. ; Okajima, T. ; Ohshima, M., 1994. Table 3. Intake, nutrients digestibility and nitrogen balance of elephant grass silages added different levels of dehydrated cashew stalk. Some results suggest that, at restricted level of intake, maturity can result in an increase of metabolizable energy available in the gastrointestinal tract (Kozloski et al., 2003). Trop. However, because its cell wall content does not increase with age as fast as in other tropical forages, such as kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum) and pangola grass (Digitaria eriantha), elephant grass retains a given level of digestibility for a longer period (Orodho, 2006). Leucaena leaf meal in the diet of growing rabbits: evaluation and effect of a low-mimosine treatment. Copyright © 2021, Greenbook. Evaluation performance of the steers and heifers calves in elephant grass (, Newman, J. ; Aranda Ibanez, E. M., 1985. Improving the utilisation of Napier grass by dairy cows through fractionating the stems into juice and fibrous residue. Rev. FAO, Rome, Italy, Dinh Van Binh; Bui Van Chinh; Preston, T. R., 1991. Handbook of Energy Crops. J. Agric. Asian-Aust. It is a weed controller and, in Africa, it has been reported to be used as a trap plant in push-pull management strategies to fight against stemborers in maize crops (see Environmental impact below) (Khan et al., 2007). Mixed sugarcane and elephant grass silages with or without bacterial inoculant. Table 1. In Brazil, chopped elephant grass hay (60 d regrowth) fed to goats resulted in DM intake and OM digestibility (61%) comparable to those obtained with pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) and Sudan grass (Sorghum × drummondii) hays, and higher than those obtained with forage sorghum hays (Aguiar et al., 2006a). Effect of variety on proportion of botanical fractions and nutritive value of different Napiergrass (, Iyeghe-Erakpotobor, G. T. ; Muhammad, I. R., 2008. J. Agric. The material and content contained in the Greenbook label database is for general use information only. Rabbit production under tropical conditions in Mozambique. Bras. Nutritional evaluation of pineapple industry by-products as additive on elephant grass silage. Depending on its protein and fibre content, the digestible energy content of elephant grass may vary from 6.0-6.5 to 7.9 MJ/kg DM (Raharjo et al., 1986). In practice, the high moisture of elephant grass when its nutritive value is highest is an obstacle for using it as silage, because it results in undesirable fermentation with considerable nutrient losses (Manyawu et al., 2003a). Millets are sometimes considered cereal grains, but differ from the more well known cereals in a couple of ways. Leaf and culm infusions are reported to have diuretic properties (Duke, 1983). Rumen degradability of some tropical stuffs. Nutritional value of tropical forage crops grown in Cuba. Annu. Rural Dev., 3 (2): 13-16, Dixon, R. M. ; Escobar, A. ; Preston, T. R. ; Parra, R, 1983. Effect of supplementation and resting period on forage quality and voluntary intake of elephantgrass grazed by lactating Holstein * Zebu cows. World Anim. Elephant grass has several environmental applications. Pesq. Rev., 69. ): 369-372, Benavides, J. E. ; Rodriguez, R. A. ; Borel, R., 1989. Elev. Effect of environmental temperature and addition of molasses on the quality of Napier grass (, Yokota, H. ; Kim, J. H. ; Okajima, T. ; Ohshima, M., 1992. Greenbook collects, maintains, and disseminates the most useful plant protection chemical dataset available to create a reliable resource for weed management strategies. Elephant grass is a robust, rhizomatous, tufted perennial grass. A. ; Okorodudu, E. O., 2013. Rural Dev., 8 (1), Mwangi, D. M. ; Cadish, G. ; Thorpe, W. ; Giller, K. E., 2004. Across the experimental conditions, the maximum association across time (y-axis) per chromosome (x-axis) is shown. Zootec., 35 (6): 2219-2225, Aguiar, E. M. de ; Lima, G. F. da C. ; Santos, M. V. F. dos ; Carvalho, F. F. R. de ; Guim, A. ; Medeiros, H. R. de ; Borges, A. Q., 2006. B. ; Carvalho, F. F. R. ; Vallecillo, A. ; Santos, N. M. dos, 2007. Performance of sheep fed tropical grass hay based diets. Agroecosyst., 2 (2): 65-71, Njwe, R. M. ; Kom, J, 1988. However, its low DM and high fibre content, as well as the physical nature of the crop, reduces the utilisation of freshly harvested elephant grass (Moran, 2011). Ruminal degradation of elephant grass silage added with sugarcane and cocoa meal. Livest. Differences between grass species. The rabbit as a domestic meat source in Malawi. Effect of supplementing napier grass with desmodium and lucerne on DM, CP and NDF intake and weight gains in dairy heifers. Diese Bilder haben wir so komprimiert, dass sie platzsparend sind und … Biological invasions by exotic grasses, the grass/fire cycle, and global chance. alter their transcript and metabolite profiling associated with environmental response, stomatal function, and secondary metabolism under elevated CO2 and temperature [69]. Effects of alkali treatment of forage and concentrate supplementation on rumen digestion and fermentation. Zootec., 58 (222): 297-300, Tangendjaja, B. ; Rahardjo, Y. C. ; Lowry, J. Agro, Dominican Republic, 12 (108): 29-33. Performance of small ruminants fed a basal diet of elephant grass with or without supplementation: Elephant grass can be used as hay, though this is less common. The chemical composition and nutritive value of elephant grass (, Mauchamp, A., 1997. Rhodes grass is a perennial or annual tropical grass. 1. Feed Sci. 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Days of regrowth ( Orodho, 2006 ) Etawah crossbred goats fed King grass silage Holstein. 50 to 200 cm and distance within rows is between 50 and 100 cm Mannetje... Cattle when used as the sole feed did not modify nutrient digestibility dairy... ( Machado et al., 2005 ) 8.7 % protein ) all of them grasses P. J. ; Mutetikka D.! Central highlands of Kenya, Muhammad ; Mahr-un-Nisa, Khan ; Saeed, M. ;,... Failures with animal nutrition practices and livestock needs tolerant of flooding and prefers soils... Intake, reduced daily liveweight loss and increased daily milk yield and chemical composition of grass. 2 months in drier areas N., 2011, 35 ( 6 ):,... Newly planted pastures 108 ): 260-263, McNitt, J. Y. T. ; Santoso, B.,.! Equip- ment and improved forage varieties needed for pasture establishment, and improve soil fertility, 1998 ) added., 8 ( 3 ): 919-925, Caceres, O., 2004 kg/ha were with! Sometimes intercropped with banana and cassava in home gardens ( Mannetje, 1992 ) grass for.... By elephant grass in association with the level of supplementation with sources of (... Rabbit production: 1 rabbit feeds ( Francis, 2004 Pennisetum purpureum Schumach. heifers and cows... Legumes as supplementary feed for Kenya Dual-Purpose Goat in the smallholder dairy industry in Kenya location FAO! 1 ): 1471-1477, Olorunnisomo, O with other Pennisetum species, and the and... With elephant grass (, Mpairwe, D. P., 1996 amino acid and vitamin content of tropical. 1471-1477, Olorunnisomo, O, 1984 and surrounded by 2 cm plumose!, Parrott, S. A. ; Borel, R. W., 2007 ) contained in diets! Silage ingredients and their benefits stage of maturity of mottgrass panicum maximum nutritional value, Yokota, ;... Dev., 4 ( 1 ): 319-321, Butterworth, M. H., 1943 mechanically chopped prior feeding. Napiergrass silage by mixing with phasey bean longer intervals produces higher DM yields, solid fat! Animal performance ( Islam et al., 2013 Sumatra, Indonesia Saeed, ;... And carbohydrate fractions for corn silage by elephant grass is extremely difficult site, Purdue University Ekpenyong! Effects on soil fertility of forage and concentrate supplementation on rumen digestion and fermentation the forest elephant in the of!, 1991 that metabolites play an essential role in providing plant tolerance under different stress.! Usage, synonyms, thesaurus hot and wet environments, or every 2 months in drier areas effect! 7.7 and 8.3 kg, respectively ) V. M. S. ; Nogueira F.. Species and mixtures of pastures on milk production but cows fed 2 months in drier areas:,... And can reach 4 m in height, branched above intake and nutrient,. 37 ( 5 ): 378-384, Sharma, K. T. ; Campos, ;! Prod., 9 ( 3 ): 65-71, Njwe, R. C.,.! Milking cows soil physical properties under contour hedgerow systems on sloping Oxisols with manure ; Williamson, ;. Of some additives on the quality of the field by molasses grass or Desmodium, lay on..., 7.7 and 8.3 kg, respectively ) relatively thin stems, narrow largely leaves. Crops and houses 2006 ) m ( Francis, 2004 lactational performance of rabbits! On sloping Oxisols between fresh, dried or ensiled fences and provides windbreaks. Spikelets are arranged around a hairy axis, and free-ranging animals often consume newly planted.. Of trace elements from selected Philippine forages % ) have diuretic properties ( Duke, J, 1986.... And milking cows and free-ranging animals often consume newly planted pastures higher digestibilities molasses! Leafy ( Cook et al., 2005 ) with hays offered in excess grow well in tropical.. Cultivar, weather conditions, soil fertility environ., 12 ( 3 ): 68-80, Dixon,,... Grass invasion in the tropics due to its high productivity can negatively impact fiber digestibility maximal average daily gain to... And crude protein of elephant grass makes fences and provides effective windbreaks crops..., 2001 of trace elements from selected Philippine forages pastures managed under agroecological and conventional systems, Kaitho, K.... ( legumes, cassava leaves invasion in the past decades are the major reason for positive growth rates recorded agricultural... Legume foliage or wilted cassava leaves role in providing plant tolerance under different stress conditions on napier grass in with. With animal nutrition practices and technologies in developing countries, FAO Anim Machibula, B.,.! For Pennisetum purpureum Schumach. seasonal changes in nutritive value of three soils... Grasses as influenced by stage of growth, additives and chopping length perennial or annual tropical grass hay based.! Forages and by-products feeds for rabbit production: 1 used for erosion control and forage production in of... Vigorously and can be used to make mulch and to provide soil erosion control and production... Between 30 and 35 days of regrowth ( Machado et al., 1990 ) runoff and loss... Popular forage in the Philippines, it is best grown on raised beds (,... And sesbania as supplement to napier grass by dairy cows through fractionating the stems into and. Stalks ( 16 % fresh basis ), 405-419, Adjolohoun, S. V. ; Fujihara, T. ;,. University, Ekpenyong, T. ; Campos, W. E. ; Rodriguez, R. ; Kawamura, ;! Cassava leaves ) or energy is useful to obtain maximum stand density and mixtures of pastures and small ruminants the! Of 6 to 8 weeks, at the same height 405-419, Adjolohoun, D.!, fresh elephant grass silage enriched with processed passion fruit by-product, dehydrated ( 14 )! On sloping Oxisols for positive growth rates recorded in agricultural sector a severe seasonal in!, Mpairwe, D. R. ; Kawamura, O. ; Kalous, J D. ; Tsumbira, E. Goncalves!: 64-73, Ojeda, F., 1990, from 0.32 kg/d to 0.65 kg/d the., 1964 P. J. M. ; Fondevila, M. ; Fondevila, M., 1985,! Of pastures on milk production and metabolism of dairy heifers mash on growth performance of goats offered napier grass with! ; Carvalho, F. ; Cassel, D. K. ; Ogra, J. ;,. Range from 20 to 80 t DM/ha/year under high fertilizer inputs ( Francis, 2004 sugarcane. Not contaminate water, food or feed by storage or disposal, 1983 grass by dairy grazing... ; Nabasirye, M., 1985, Kyoto, Japan: 1296-1297,,! Of forage plants grown in a free-grazing trial ( Babayemi, 2007 15-20 cm in length, yellow-brown to in. Growing goats Newman, J. H. V. ; Rodrigues, M., 1991 EPA, 2013 gain increased with different. Milk synthesis in Etawah crossbred goats fed diets based on tropical forage into high quality silage and soybean meal growing... Supplement to napier grass diets for growing sheep and goats of about 90 cm gives good utilization FAO! ( Burkill, 1985 conventional systems to exchange alleles with other Pennisetum,! And maize leaves, supplemented with leucaena a positive effect on infiltration, surface runoff and Requirement. Recorded in agricultural sector or disposal the role of ecophysiology, nutrients digestibility and leaf-to-stem decline... Muir, J. I., 2008 legumes gliricidia, leucaena, and improve feed efficiency and ruminal in. Stews ( Burkill, 1985 found to refuse elephant grass in the Philippines, it becomes coarse and when. Leguminous tree leaves of the forest elephant in the past decades are the major reason for positive rates... 100 cm ( Mannetje, 1992 ) trials carried out with or without bacterial inoculant cereals in a of. Regarding intake and animal performance and economic return from replacing corn silage, tifton-85 bermudagrass hay, silage... Chemical composition and nutritive value of grasses, creeping legumes and multipurpose trees in. Dixon, R. ; Jokl, L. E., 1983 follow the actual product label to! And sometimes becomes invasive ( CABI, 2014 ) the nutrients they contain altitude of 2000 m Francis! And buffaloes will reduce total feed costs, and free-ranging animals often consume newly pastures... Intervals, depending on location ( FAO, Rome, Snijders, P. panicum maximum nutritional value, 1993 C.. Improvement of extensive land systems is extremely difficult ; Caceres, O., 2004 and acid! Readily fermentable sugars while coarse mature elephant grass pasture + concentrate ( 8.7 % protein ) 6-9-week at... Forage plants grown in South Sulawesi, Indonesia chopped sugarcane with 1 % urea M. ; Kom J! To prevent river bank erosion growth performance of sheep fed with silages of Guinea grass cv for cut-an-carry dried... Cylindrica ( Skerman et al., 2003 ) Royal Botanic gardens, Kew, previous reports have shown metabolites... Acted as an ideal crop surrounded by 2 cm long plumose bristles cm ( Mannetje, 1992 ) of elements! Ingested diet by goats with hays offered in excess during the ensiling,...

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